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guest editor Archives

If you’re on Twitter and you’re not following @GayAtHomeDad, you’re seriously missing out on some hilariously opinionated, smart, & fun tweets. Since we have our first Men’s Fashion Vault happening right now, we asked the man behind the handle to guest edit for us

A Winter Afternoon with @LivinLikeLarz

Larissa May, also known as Larz, is 21 year old style blogger, creative consultant, and founder of #HALFTHESTORY. The #HALFTHESTORY project is an Instagram campaign that aims to challenge the status quo of millennials, by encouraging them to change the lens in which they view other “social stories,” and to serve as a platform to gain support around entrepreneurship, innovation, and discovery

tom ford Archives

The girls of eDrop-Off are at it again! We took an office poll this morning to determine the best and worst dressed from the Oscars last night. The results are in so take a look at our picks below

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