Krystel Spell

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Popular Lifestyle Blog for Military Spouses-Creator Krystel Spell-of @Sofluential Media/ Influencer Network & Co-creator of

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Is Your Soldier Ignoring You? Or Did Faulty Military-Issued Earplugs Damage Their Hearing?

Your spouse may have been issued faulty 3M earplugs by the military, which have been linked to hearing loss, tinnitus, and deafness. For those who served in the military between 2003 and 2015, the cause may be due to defective, CAEv2 yellow/dark green dual-core earplugs ear that were sold to the military by the 3M Company and Aearo Technologies. Even if your spouse isn’t infantry, he or she may have been exposed to extreme levels of noise during training exercises and deployments, while wearing faulty 3M earplugs. To learn how your spouse can receive compensation to counter the use of faulty 3M earplugs, check out the Gregg M Goldfarb LLP law firm at:

For the MilSpouse Without Kids: You're Not Alone

I starting having kids “later” in life, at least my military standards – which means my late twenties. Suddenly, I seemed to be one of the only people in my social circle without a child, who wasn’t actively “trying” or who wasn’t pregnant. Even though having kids relatively early can seem to be the norm, there are also lots of military families who don’t have kids. And sometimes, just sometimes, I wondered if I was a good enough military spouse, if delaying kids on purpose made me less than.

How Military Spouses Can Turn Instagram Into A PCS Friendly Side Hustle $$$

It’s amazing to me that most of the stuff we do online daily can generate us income or things to help in our household, and so many people don’t even know. Here’s some samples of sponsored Instagram posts I’ve done: As you can see I don’t have tons of followers on IG (4000+), but it doesn’t stop brands from reaching out or me from reaching out to them to work together, because my IG followers are people they want to reach. Fashion- You can reach out to new clothing boutiques on IG that you like and propose they send you an outfit in exchange for modeling and featuring on your feed. We’ve covered a lot in this post and to make things easier I created an easy course with all the things you need to know to get started as an Milspouse Instagram Influencer such as hashtags, simple staging of a photo for those of us who are not that creative, making money advertising military spouse businesses, email templates to reach out to companies, companies to sign up for that send Instagram opportunities to your email and so much more.

10 Surprising Ways To Make Homemade Meals When Base Lodging Has No Kitchen

Some years back when my family and I PCS’ed to Georgia, we got spoiled by our two bedroom suite in base lodging with a fully stocked kitchen that we resided in while waiting for housing. We had a regular hotel room with no real kitchen outside of a microwave and fridge and pretty much were forced to eat out at least for dinner. You can boil eggs, cook rice, use it as a pressure cooker, make cakes and so much more. We’d suggest some thorough washing of these items before we used them, but if times got really tough you apparently can boil eggs, make hotdogs, steam veggies and a number of other things in your handy dandy hotel room coffee pot.

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