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You Know Where Your Food Comes From…But Do You Know This? + A Giveaway!

This is a timely article in an uncertain time (ahem, election week). No matter what happens, we are still human beings, we still need one another, and one of the most important things we do together – enjoying meals in community – is still as important, if not moreso, as ever

7 DIY Herbal Skincare Recipes for Fall & Winter

Spring and summer bring fresh, cooling foods, while autumn and winter introduce heavy, nutrient-dense foods that warm and fill the body and spirit. Our summer skin requires protection from the bright rays of the sun, while cooling astringents are often a welcome balancing remedy for oily skin. As we turn to fall and winter, our skin’s needs change with the dry, cool air and shorter, darker days. With autumn beginning to unfold around us, we may begin to notice suddenly chapped lips and dry skin that we didn’t have to worry about over the last few warm, humid months.

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