Tiana Bryant

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🌙Cosmic dreamer, Star thinker, Night writer 🌟 NY Yankees Fan•Mental Health Fighter Blogger who stands for making mental health easier for everyone to understand

Member Since SEPTEMBER 11, 2019
Social Audience 414
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How to Achieve your Goals in 2021

Today is a day to rejoice, work hard toward our goals and enjoy. It will take some time but I can achieve these goals Instagram- to achieve this goal, I will work 10 minutes per day Pinterest- to achieve this goal, I will work 30 minutes per day Personal- to achieve this goal, I will have to take time to myself So image what you put on your mood board as coming true, work hard for it On a sheet of paper write down the things that you put on the mood board and how you will go about getting these goals achieved.

Best Underrated Sites for Blogging

That is the only way of finding out if you like something Free font is great because you can download your free or paid fonts to use in a matter of seconds. It took me 6 minutes to download and try possibly 20 different fonts to try on Canva. This site I chose because it has a lot of great information on starting a blog and SEO. If you would like to see a post on Youtube channels that I watch for blogging help, then please do tell me.

My Letter to Kobe Bryant 3

With one thing to say 'I love you and always will' Thank you God for allowing the world a chance to know of Kobe Bean Bryant Thank you God for allowing us to love Kobe Bryant Thank you God for giving Kobe Bryant the gift of talent in basketball and anything he ever wanted to do You may have took Kobe Bryant away so quick from us Thank you God and thank you Kobe Bryant

My Starseed Revelation + Tips

This post goes out to all my fellow Earth dwellers who feel they don't belong. Beings that are made to forget where their home is in order to feel more "human". Knew I didn't belong in the city I lived in nor do I belong in the city I am at. I believe you can have traits of many different types of starseeds.

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