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Jesus follower. Wife. Girl mom. Adoption advocate. Sweet tea lover. Part time blogger.

Social Audience 694
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Blogging on Adoption & Kids

So this blog became my place to share news when there WAS news to share. I got to share about how we were the family who was completely terrified about the term "open adoption" and then we became the family who would never change the fact that we get to live that term every day. How would we explain to our second child that he or she would not get to know their birth family, while still having regular visits and contact with Kate's birth family? This blog was the place where I got to share all of Karsten's firsts - the first time meeting big sister, the first time rolling over, her first bites of new foods, her first time going to preschool, and her first hair cut.

Valentine's Day 2019

However, I can't pass up an opportunity to dress my girls in pink. Tomorrow we had a babysitter lined up, and we were headed to dinner at a nice downtown restaurant. We'll reschedule for another time when everyone is healthy and have just as much fun. So, here's hoping your Valentine's day was healthy, fun, and full of laughter!

Karsten's Love Language

The premise of a "love language" comes from Gary Chapman's book, which makes the argument that we all show love in one of five ways: Karsten has been a little harder to figure out but lately I've come to realize that her love language is Words of Affirmation. So if you haven't read Gary Chapman's book on Love Languages, I highly suggest it again! I'll link below the regular edition (which is what I have read) and also an edition for knowing/understanding the five love languages in children (which I haven't read).

2018 Recap

At the beginning of August, our entire family went on a mission trip to a children's home in Tennessee. Though his birthday was in August (the 31st), we didn't really celebrate Kevin's big day until September! It was bittersweet as Kate's birth mama (Lori) moves to California with her husband's military assignment. We did some Christmas tree decorating, Christmas cookie decorating, and LOTS of other Christmas related activities, including wearing red every chance we got.

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