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Poet, writer & editor, music lover, 3x cancer survivor, Buddhist. Gentle soul but hard af. MA Creative Writing grad. Editor of @peekingcatmag and @tctjournal

Social Audience 651
writersam.co.uk Last Month
  • Moz DA 17
  • Family and Relationships
  • Medical Health
  • Pop Culture
Things that are still happening post-op

I haven’t blogged in a while because I haven’t had too much cancer-related to talk about. But I thought I’d write a quick post about some of things that are happening seven months post-hysterectomy and five months post-whipple

Publication Notice: Bonnie’s Crew

I have two pieces out in the April issue of Bonnie’s crew! The first (page 30) is a creative non-fiction piece called The News, which I have been trying to place for possibly a couple of years now. It’s about trying to fit the anxiety of going for scans in with everyday life, and how easily that anxiety can be triggered

Post-checkup Check-in

I’m looking forward to a couple of weekend trips away with my boyfriend. I know this mood won’t last forever so I am trying to enjoy it while it’s here. Well, I reactivated Facebook and on the second day of doing so, someone announced their pregnancy, and that made me feel sort of useless, like what’s the point in being a woman if I can’t carry out the function of childbearing. and I’m pretty much back to normal, except for the horribly scarred belly and the odd painful twinge.


It is with sadness that we are announcing the closure of The Creative Truth literary magazine. Due to a lack of submissions (and also a lack of relevant submissions that were in fact nonfiction prose), we are now closed for submissions permanently. Our parent magazine, Peeking Cat Poetry Magazine, is still open and going strong, so head there if you enjoy reading or writing poetry and short fiction. We wish all of our contributors continued success, and our readers continued enjoyment of all the wonderful prose the literary world has to offer.

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