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"Left Boob Gone Rogue" The breast cancer experience is a blog about finding humor in life with breast cancer and finding inspiration in the journey.

Social Audience 3K Last Month
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Virtual Book Tour Session 1

I read from Chapter 32 of Uzma’s book and answer one question that was asked by one of Uzma’s Facebook friends. Your comments, questions, and feedback will be immensely helpful and appreciated

Video Event Update

For those readers on Facebook, there will be Facebook Watch Party at 4 pm Chicago time today at the blog’s page Uzma’s Blog, Breast Cancer Experience. In a Facebook Watch Party, friends watch a recorded video together

First Flight Without Uzma

As we settled into our seats on the plane, Gauri said, “Our family is sitting together for the first time. ” “I mean Mama is not with us

Coming Soon: Video Event

Uzma had planned to do a Facebook Live event on December 9, 2018. So, I will do a recorded video and hope to upload it on April 9, four months after Uzma’s original planned date for the live event. The screenshot (see below) of Uzma’s announcement about the planned December 9 event shows, she wanted to answer questions from her readers. But since this will be a recorded video, my request to you, her readers, is to write all the questions you would have wanted to ask her in the comments below this post.

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