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Why You Should Take a Solo Road Trip At Least Once In Your Life

Hey there, Gorgeous People! I’m Sarah and I am a California girl and creative soul that is embracing a new path in life as a blogger and writer. I’ve always been a lover of learning and have a passion for history, travel, books, health, and personal development

10 Photos to Inspire Your Spring Tea Party

I love cuddling cats, promoting my home province of Manitoba and exploring the world. I love cuddling cats, promoting my home province of Manitoba and exploring the world. Head to the nearest Value Village (or other thrift store) to hunt for some vintage tins to hold your party’s flowers. A tea party is the perfect time to pull out that cute dinnerware you have packed away – or alternatively, you can just take a trip to Homesense.

10 Things All Bloggers Should Be Doing on Social Media

With over 5 years of personal blogging experience, she has taken an interest in working with bloggers and content creators to maximize their efforts and achieve success. With over 5 years of personal blogging experience, she has taken an interest in working with bloggers and content creators to maximize their efforts and achieve success. While your social media accounts are obviously a great way to announce the newest content that you are publishing, don’t miss the opportunity to bring some of your older content back into the mix. You have likely picked up new readers over the weeks, months or years that you have been writing, readers that may have never seen this great content from your past.

5 Amazing Home Decor Accounts You Must Follow on Instagram

Whether you’re moving into a new space or looking to revamp your current home, I’ve found that Instagram is an amazing source for inspiration looks you just won’t see anywhere else. If you’re looking for inspiration when designing your space, look no further than these 5 amazing home decor accounts: Since I tend to naturally go toward minimalistic styles, I’ve been trying to open my eyes to more maximalist styles in home decor. It can be challenging to incorporate vintage items into your home decor without looking like a museum, but Ari of @arianna_danielson pulls it off flawlessly. This delightfully retro designer is not afraid to bring colour into the home (which really, looks like a doll house), playing on themes from the 60’s and 70’s.

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