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A travel resource site for solo females. Travelling the world with ‘maximum adventure, minimum impact.’

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Best Places For French Speaking Countries

You don’t have to just visit France if you have a desire to hear the romantic tones of the French language. Although Spanish and English are two of the most common languages in the world, you’ll find French spoken in some of the countries too

I wanted to write this post to reflect on the changes that solo travel brings; of the unfamiliar that changes to a weirdly comfortable familiarity. So, I am writing this post to reassure you if you are a scared solo traveller that it’s okay to be overwhelmed by your trip, no matter whether it’s a long weekend away or you’ve sold everything and are planning a one-way trip around the globe. I am now in country 126 yet I am still experiencing the transformation that solo travel brings. If you need some advice and reassurance that you can travel solo don't forget to join our Facebook community x

I wanted to write this post to reflect on the changes that solo travel brings; of the unfamiliar that changes to a weirdly comfortable familiarity. So, I am writing this post to reassure you if you are a scared solo traveller that it’s okay to be overwhelmed by your trip, no matter whether it’s a long weekend away or you’ve sold everything and are planning a one-way trip around the globe. I am now in country 126 yet I am still experiencing the transformation that solo travel brings. If you need some advice and reassurance that you can travel solo don't forget to join our Facebook community x

It was more developed than Ghana, Benin, and Togo and seemed so much more civilised than Cote d’Ivoire yet it still kept its rich West African culture amongst the modern buildings and giant monuments that had transformed this cosmopolitan capital city into one of arts and innovation. After 5 days of exploring this African city (reduced by two days thanks to a cancelled flight), Dakar had restored my faith in West Africa and had ended my trip on a more positive note. Dakar is home to the tallest statue in Africa, the African Renaissance Monument, a striking example of twenty-first century Africa to celebrate Senegal’s independence from France. Visit Soumbedioune Market, the largest art and craft market in Dakar for African carvings and statues

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