If you caught the past post, I shared how this newel-post-meets-half-wall was left in a bit of a mess after my parent’s builders made some changes.
There was originally a balustrade where the new half wall is (which was added to conceal some structural steel needed for the new extension above) however the builders weren’t quite sure how to deal with the situation, so I told them to just leave it with me.
I contemplated leaving the shelf natural, or some of the trim around the top of the finial, however in the end I figured white would be cleaner and save the need to try and match all of the higgeldy-piggeldy wood.
I applied one coat of stain-blocking primer to prevent any bleed from the timber, and two top coats of Vivid White (standard untinted ‘builder’s white’) in Gloss (to match all of the other trim throughout the house).