Found and Bliss

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Sharing words learned from the side-streets of life. I offer quotes and ideas to help you pause, consider and create the life of your choosing. Find yourself in the simple moments.

Location Calgary, Alberta
Country Canada
Member Since NOVEMBER 18, 2018
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Can You Wait to Get Up in the Morning?

Wilbur Wright Let's admit it, we probably don't all feel like the Wright brothers at this moment. As a fellow creator, with a thousand ideas but only 24 hours each day, holding the responsibility of satisfying her public and her family, she told us in her video how she was doing/drowning. But if this fear also gives us the invitation to re-invent ourselves, to re-think our previous choices, gives us the courage to share with others who might be feeling the same, how much hope and comfort could it bring to us all? How we've shared our feelings of our past memories, asked important questions that showed how much we cared, and opened the door as my youtube lady did.

They Baffle and Bamboozle with Choices

I know many of you came from a family who had the same sofa from when you were born to when you packed a suitcase and left home. They want to give us a course, send us an email filled with links, offer us something to make our life better. I aim to tell people to not look for the hack, the fix, the instant cure. The chances are you will not strike it rich or be fit or find your life partner on a dating site on your first try.

Heart Tread

With the promise of sunny and more temperate numbers, I donned my running shoes and returned to my daily morning walk. That really isn't a measure I keep, with head down (watching for slippery spots), I more likely consider it a good walk based on what I see. It reminded me of an article I had read recently that asked this question of readers: when was the last time you gave or received a hug from someone outside of your household? (Tweet This) Hugs can be found in the cup of coffee paid forward for the next customer, the late night text from your adult child, the shrieks of laughter of a child, even in the holding open of a door.

Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness It : Book Review

It sounds like my own, but it also sounds like a family member, a teacher who didn't believe me, a partner who spoke as he walked away. Because knowing which voices to listen to and which to hear but still put away is probably our biggest lesson of all. I heard her voice, I didn't trust my gut, I didn't listen to the warning of the adult in my life. The sounds that come from a television and what they are trying to convince you, the placebos that work because we want to believe, the green spaces that filter into our minds and can truly make us better.

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