Gabriela Isabel is a 23 Year old YouTube Creator from Venezuela currently living in Miami Florida. Gabriela has been creating videos in YouTube for 3 years now and has gained an audience of over 390,000 subscribers that called themselves “Pastelitos”. Gabriela’s videos are mainly focused in trending challenges, day to day, Tips for teenagers, and her most famous #StoryTime . Gabriela’s “Pastelitos” is mainly composed of Latin American, 90% teenager girls between that ages of 13-24. Gabriela’s most famous videos include “10 Hacks Para El Periodo” with over 4.7M Views, DIY’s with 1.2M and Guessing the Age Challenge with over 1M views. Gabriela Isabel is a very passionate creator that loves creating a connection with her audience and stays connected with them as much as she can everyday to make them feel they will always have a friend in her.