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I love trying new places to eat and experimenting with food at home and writing about it!

Location San Francisco
Member Since AUGUST 10, 2018
Social Audience 457 Last Month
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Sunset Squares

Sunset Squares has been getting a lot of buzz in the recent months, and they went from small pop-up to churning out some serious pizza. The pizza that seemed to be getting rave reviews was the Mapo Tofu Pizza ($28) with house-made Mapo Tofu, tokyo turnips, and sichuan peppercorn. The pizzas are all made with their sourdough pizza dough that takes days to proof, so if you are looking for the full menu, ordering in advance is a must. If you’re looking for a Detroit-style pizza with a very San Francisco spin, I think Sunset Squares might be for you!

The Great Burger Hunt — Part 27

Beep’s has been on my list for awhile, but I never made it down to where it’s located. But I did manage to swing by on my way back home from running errands, so I tried the 1/2 lb Beep’s Cheeseburger ($10.25) with a side of garlic fries ($4.50). I’d say it’s similar to or slightly better than a burger from Super Duper Burger, but the fries are definitely a great side! It’s called a drive in, but it’s definitely someplace you park and walk up to the counter.

Parker’s: A Great British Institution

Parker’s is a British shop located in Buffalo, NY where they make authentic British food such as Fish and Chips and a variety of pies, as well as selling desserts, sweets, and packaged British goods. I was really excited to find black pudding available to order, but they also provide a huge selection of British sausages that are very uncommon in the supermarkets and butcher’s shops here in the US. They also have frozen fish and chips (which I didn’t try, but definitely intrigued me as the fish and chips in the UK is far superior to anything you can find in the US). Parker’s definitely filled my itch for that British food I’d been missing, and I may have to make another order soon for some delicious pies and maybe to even try out the fish and chips.

The Korean BBQ Kit

I found out later that it is affiliated with, a Korean restaurant in San Francisco I had wanted to try before COVID hit, so I was extra excited to give it a try. For $60 for two people, you get the whole kit consisting of pork belly (and for extra you can change the meat or get extra meat), a selection of banchan (kimchi, corn cheese, sweet and sour cucumbers and sesame bean sprouts), 2 servings of white rice, several dips and toppings, seaweed snacks and an extra bottle of K-pop kimchi mayonnaise. Honestly, some of the stuff I could have probably made at home (as I’ve been doing Korean a lot), but it’s nice when you don’t have to think about it Given it’s Korean barbeque, there is the tricky situation of how to cook it at home, as I don’t

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