Cintia Leone

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We provide premium house cleaning services and customer service. Let us do the cleaning, and add a little bliss in your life.

Location Stoneham, MA
Country United States
Member Since MARCH 04, 2019
Social Audience 960
  • Moz DA 13

This member has not connected a professional Instagram account.

  • Industries
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  • Home & Garden
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  • Personal Care
House cleaning business response to COVID-19 pandamic in Boston

The More You Know House Bliss Cleaning, a family-owned and operated house cleaning business, is closely monitoring developments of coronavirus  (COVID-19) from government officials and public health experts. To protect and maintain the health and safety of our clients, our employees, and our communities we are training our crew to follow the protocols set by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for cleaning and disinfecting your home. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), coronaviruses are among the class of viruses that are the easiest for many disinfectant products to kill, and can be removed by liquid detergents and water.“The structure of these viruses includes a lipid envelope, which is easily compromised by most disinfectants. Once the lipid envelope is damaged, the integrity of the virus is compromised, thereby neutralizing its infectivity”.We are very eager for the delivery of Eva Clean 360º electrostatic spray system loaded with PUR:ONE a hospital-grade cleaning solution that claims to kill viruses, including Covid-19 in seconds.

House cleaning business response to COVID-19 pandemic in Boston

We are training our house cleaners on protocols set by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for cleaning and disinfecting your home. At House Bliss, we have adopted a color-coded system, and ensure we never use a cloth in more than one house. Clients who opt to provide cleaning cloths are encouraged to adopt a similar color-coding system to ensure our house cleaners can differentiate which cloth to use for bathroom and kitchen. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), coronaviruses are among the class of viruses that are the easiest for many disinfectant products to kill, and can be removed by liquid detergents and water.“The structure of these viruses includes a lipid envelope, which is easily compromised by most disinfectants.

Cleaning and disinfecting best practices- House Bliss Cleaning

How To Clean And Disinfect Your Home During The Coronavirus Epidemic​ Protecting yourself against COVID-19 begins at home. Use detergent or soapy water to clean frequently touched surfaces (i.e. tables, doorknobs, light switches, handles, desks, toilets, faucets, sinks) and apply the appropriate disinfectant for the surface. Soon after Boston’s bars and restaurants were ordered to shut down, the announcement from Governor Charlie Baker for a stay-at-home advisory and order the closure of all non–essential businesses, we had to cancel cleanings as of noontime on Tuesday, March 24. Please be aware of scammers taking advantage of people’s fears and concerns around keeping a clean, disinfected home offering deep cleaning services for a very high price.

How To Clean Nooks and Crannies Like A Professional

Now you can’t stop thinking about those hard to reach spots and crevices just neglectfully gathering dust and dirt. We have put together simple steps that you can follow to keep on top of things with some tools and product recommendations that we use on a daily basis to tackle those nooks, crannies and other hard-to-reach places:Making a checklist before you begin will help you identify what areas you need to target so you don’t leave anything out. These basic products are essential for those small places that can’t be reached by most cleaning tools and equipment such as the back of the toilet. Do you have any cleaning tips or products that are amazing for getting dirt and dust from those nooks and crannies in your home?

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