Jessica Love

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My name is Jessica Love. I am a singer and content creator from Chicago, IL, with a big story and a quickly growing gang of feisty, hearty, and fun Instagram followers that now total over 12k amazing souls.

Let's quickly rail of my list of qualifications so we can get to the good stuff

  • Recently recorded Dr. Oz show that will air this fall
  • Reached #15 on Billboard Charts
  • A viral video with over 10 million views across platforms like "In the Now," "Baller Alert," and "World Star Hip- Hop."
  • Creative Director for a large, influential megachurch
  • Featured on several tours, conferences, and events.

My story is intense. In the middle of a budding music career, I got pregnant. My son was born at 22 weeks. I lost EVERYTHING. My son is 4, and I've endured 4 years of countless near-death experiences, being told my son would continuously die by doctors, resuscitating my son myself, and spending most nights either in hospitals or on the floor in my son's room next to his crib. 4 years of fearing my son's death plus working full time as a Worship Leader and Creative Director wore me down. Broken, I began the search for freedom, rest, relaxation, and peace of mind. I dove into any and everything that would help me be whole and cope so I could be love and light for my son.

This is where products come in. My son's first year and a half of life, we were in the hospital, and since then, we've had many 1-3 month stays. His room is known as the Zen Room. I really did spend most of my money looking for products that would relax me, promote sleep as well as health treatments for my son. I left my lucrative full-time career to choose to focus entirely on my son and heal. Over the years, people have seen me shine on the stage while not seeing the absolute horror I was facing daily.

With my unique story, I connect with so many—the beautiful and the broken. Moms with ill and special needs children are not represented enough—our stories matter. Our stories are powerful. I want to be their voice. I would LOVE to promote your brand because I believe in it. I'd love to talk further and be considered for your influencer program. My heart is to encourage and even push my followers to understand the importance of health and see that they can afford to invest in themselves even in difficult times.

Location Chicago, IL
Country United States of America
Member Since SEPTEMBER 12, 2020
Social Audience 16K
  • Moz DA N/A
jessicaloveis 15K Last Month Last 3 Months
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  • Engagement Rate 0.0% 0.0%
  • Sponsored Posts N/A N/A
  • Sponsored Engagement Rate N/A N/A
  • Avg Likes 0 0
  • Avg Comments 0 0
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