JomarJimoh Razaq

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After earning my Degree in Guidance and Counselling from University of Ibadan, I entered the Human and Project Management world to explore my passion for Driven Project/Organizing and Leadership. Currently I work as a CEO for JomarJimoh Universal Company Ltd., where we focused on Building Construction and Management, Information Technology, Power Generation and also have a branch in Oil and Gas sector

Even though I am a Business Man, I’ll always be a Industrial-Organization Psychologist at heart. I’m incapable of pitching something I myself don’t believe in. I have a passion for uncovering unique and compelling ways that people Lead, Motivate and Seek for Knowledge and revel in knowing that I can help thousands of people Manage their Projects.

I've spent the last 7 years learning everything there is to know about the Project Management industry — from job performance, human interest, negotiation to comparative market analysis. I'm currently applying this knowledge in role as CEO for JomarJimoh Universal Company Ltd., where I'm responsible for Staffs job satisfaction/performance, evaluation of the project's goals, timeline and costs to determine if the Project should be executed, constant monitor the progress of the project and clients' satisfaction.

I've written some articles, like Job Satisfaction, How does people Respond to Vision Challenges, How to develop an Attitude of Contentment and Fulfilment from right where you are, Emotional Self-Regulation and many more. I'm also a member of some Prolific Organization like "The Organization of United Entrepreneur and Professional in Nigeria (OUEAPN), Global Leadership Platform (GLP), Building Owners and Managers Association International (BOMA), MemberClouds International Entrepreneurs Community (MCIE) and others.

Location Ibadan, Oyo
Country Nigeria
Member Since AUGUST 19, 2019
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