Shakia Style Diary

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Hi, I'm a fashion, beauty and travel blogger that inspire to live your life and embrace your own sense of style.

Location Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Country United States of America
Member Since DECEMBER 15, 2019
Social Audience 42K
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kikistylediary 38K Last Month Last 3 Months
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Self-Care With TheraBox

I’ve collaborated with TheraBox, a self-care subscription box that provides happiness for the mind, body and soul. Now that I’ve gave you a complete breakdown on the different type of happiness plans, let’s get right into what I received in my TheraBox…. Check out this amazing Stardust Skies Whipped Body Butter and other Aminnah skincare products here. You can check out the hologram peel-off facial mask and other Jos + Lyn skin care products here.

The Most Stylish Earrings For Spring

I love spring for the simple fact that I get to wear more of my eye-catching stylish earrings with outfits. Statement earrings are my absolutely favorite type of earrings to wear for spring. It’s most definitely a fashionable piece to have in your jewelry collection forever as they make you feel stylish at any age. Stud earrings are the considered the go-to fashion pair of jewelry to own.

Beauty & Makeup Favorites

Since I’m spending the majority of my time at home, I’ve been discovering new beauty and makeup products on my own. Wearing eyeshadow looks better with a mask even if you’re just heading out to run some errands or simply want to step up your look a bit. Even though we all have been wearing a mask a little over a year, I still love wearing my lipsticks. Also if you have any beauty or makeup products that you think I should try out definitely feel free to comment below.

Kiki Style Diary By Shakia

Spring is my favorite time of the year because when I think of spring, I think of soft light colors and florals. I think this is going to be one of my go-to bags for spring that I will probably wear a lot. The light blush pink color embedded with a floral pattern topping it off with a cute bow give me nothing but spring vibes. I wanted to share a few bags that I’m loving for spring!

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