May 2018 bring you all you wish for, and may your wishes be filled with good, and may your good be whole and come from the right place : from your heart and not your brain, or your ego.
Because if your dream is to be a baker and open your pastry shop and make the best damn bread in your whole country, while your family wants you to be a lawyer and defines success and achievement by a law degree and stable income, then I define success someone who chooses his passion instead.
It’s just a matter of what you are ready to do to emancipate yourself from your prisons, are you ready for the struggle, are you ready to start from the bottom again, are you ready to justify yourself constantly, explain yourself incessantly, are you ready for the looks of those who don’t understand, the looks of those who don’t agree, are you ready for incessant sleepless nights, are you ready to meet your truest self?
Don’t ever think it’s childish to dream, don’t ever think that you loving to paint when you were 8 was just a kid’s little thingy, re-connect with your inner child, because that was the time when you were probably the most honest with yourself, when there was no boss, no society, no system to tell you what is right, what is wrong, what to say, who to be, how to dress, how to think, how to live.