HAS A WAY WIT WORDS!~BIGCITY I. BOXWELL (IssaDon) #BiGCitYjOE @2NDSTORYCARDS @STREETSENSEDC #StreetPoet~https://t.co/j6LhQMPxVh https://t.co/d6lIXSYWrX And I see that you are still fairly new! I just wanted 2 share my resume & perhaps spark some interest in maybe perhaps helping me build my career that I'm in the process currently 2 solidify it even better with follow up material 2 build on my Successful documentary created with Street Sense Co-op Filmmakers Group. I'm in pursuit of publication of some of my poetry material. I am also a registered artist with Nine 9 Agency in addition 2 being A Creative Artist with Second Story Cards. I've published before but the copies were very limited so I would need a reprint or republishing of the copy. I have potential merchandise in the links below. I'd like 2 revise that for a better deal. Just some support for my efforts basically & any openings or opportunities that we can muster up. I'd like 2 grow. I can provide you with a link 2 the movie or you can search My name on the Street Sense Media website.