Hi! My name is Melissa Stroble, I am a single 40 year old dog mom to a 14 year old min pin that I love to death. I went to college at Avila University here in Kansas City Missouri and received my BSBA in Marketing. I have a love of animals, makeup, fashion, theatre, books, music, food, flowers, and sunshine. I spent years working in the pharmacy world as a technician at a desk everyday, and I started to hate my job. There was no creativity! I have been watching these Influencers advertise products for years and I thought, “hey I can do that!” So I am giving it a shot and putting my degree in marketing to work for me. I may not have a large following at the moment, but I am a hard worker and willing to do what it takes to learn the business and make it work for me and for you!
Melissa S. Stroble