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Living Learned is the go-to website for experiential travel. Find what you need to travel with intention and grow through experiences. Travel. Learn. Grow.

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Obesity Shortens Life: Is Your Dog at Risk?

As little as 5 extra pounds puts your dog at risk for some pretty significant diseases like osteoarthritis, Type 2 diabetes, Respiratory and Heart disease, Kidney disease, High blood pressure, Chronic inflammation and several forms of cancer – especially intra-abdominal cancers. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, 53% of pet owners said their vets started the conversation about weight and risks of obesity. Yes, you can talk to your vet about which food to feed your pet, but odds are, you’d get different recommendations depending on the doctor. The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention has done studies to show that feeding as few as ten extra tiny kibbles of food per day can add up to a pound of weight gain per year in indoor cats and small dogs.

100 Fun and Productive At Home Activity Ideas Your Kids will Love

In order to help, here’s our list of 100 Fun and Productive at Home Activities to Do With Kids. 100 Fun and Productive At Home Activities to Do With Kids Write You can award actual prizes or use our no-cost award list for ideas.100 Fun and Productive At Home Activities to Do With Kids Plant something. For free learning activity ideas and printables and Check outScholastic’s Activities for KidsStudy Jamz for FREE and fun educational Science Videos by Scholastic.

Best-Ever Baking Stone Italian Bread Recipe

This recipe calls for pairing a steamy oven with a baking stone (also known as a pizza stone) to create a loaf of light, fluffy, crunchy-crusted Italian bread worthy of my grandma’s sauce. cups water + 1 cup of water for the oven a small bowl measuring spoons and cups liquid thermometer (not necessary, but really helpful!) 2 and ¼ teaspoons of active dry yeast 1 teaspoon granulated sugar ¼ cup lukewarm water (95-115 degrees Fahrenheit) To prepare the oven for baking:measuring cup Preheat the oven to 475 Degrees Baking stone Metal baking pan 1 cup of water (to create steam for a crispy, crunchy crust!) Dutch Oven Baking: Instead of a baking stone, use a dutch oven with a lid.

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