Sarah Johannesen

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Founded by @sarahejohann | ✨ Sharing tangible ways to make peace with 👖your body 🍪🥑food 🕺and exercise …so you can live an abundant, free life!

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LA traffic doesn’t play 😜

Recorded this on the fly because I had just finished talking to a friend and was like nope i’ve seen this too many times where the enemy tries (emphasis on tries) to get people stuck by attacking their confidence and identity. if you struggle with it, this is for you. you CAN have victory. declare it. believe it. i’ve been there and God brought me victory. He can for you, too. don’t let the enemy win in your mind when God has already won.

Life lately part 2 featuring a weekend in Encinitas for hayhoek and steve_hopkins3 wedding!! 1) my dates cricketwampler and _summer.jackson and i 💗 2) currently reading this book called “the blessed life” and it’s been incredible, convicting, and truly a blessing! highly recommend 3) long talks on the phone with family while soaking up the sun ☀️ 4) only in california would a church have this right outside of it 🥹🤩 also, i enjoying exploring more outside LA and that’s been so fun! hoping to do more weekend trips! 5) celebrating the bride hayhoek and groom! 6) exploring encinitas feat. fun drinks, flowers, and the best gluten-free cafe i’ve ever been to healthycreationscafe 7) more fun fits featuring madewell ofc!

Life lately looks like… 1) enjoying fashion and feeling confident in my style after years of not really knowing who that was. putting an outfit together is so fun to me and feels like an expressive, creative, artistic outlet now and brings me a lot of joy 2) stopping to smell the flowers. being at peace with slowing down and finding the beauty in it. even when others might be running quickly past me. 3) nourishing meals that feel good in my body, mind, and soul and not adhering to strict rules. letting it look different each day and week and season. enjoying the fruit and the cinnamon roll both equally to the glory of God 4) cooking raw chicken again! i know, i was also shook. after a long time of only buying precooked chicken, i’m getting past my fear and it tastes really good! plus, it’s cheaper lol 5) splurging on a solidcore class and loving every second of it. i really enjoy megaformer pilates so much 🥲 6) creative nights madewildcreative sarzselz skylarcaprimusic joykelley_music i love seeing my friends do their things and it’s a true honor and joy to love and support them in their dreams 🥹🤩 7) driving with the windows down with pure JOY because Jesus lets me live in LA and provides for me so that i can live here. i love this city and the people here more than words can say. i’m so grateful i get to call this place home! xx, sarah jo

Maybe it’s Maybelline? Maybe it’s madewell 😉 or maybe it’s neve_chai visiting me hehehe thought this deserved a spot on the feed because now i get to wear Madewell and style people and it may look like just another job but it’s actually an answer to months of prayer and i’m so thankful for this opportunity to work with incredible people on abbot kinney (come visit!)🥲 fashion is something i’ve come to love more and more and i’m having a blast creating outfits every day for the beautiful people of LA. here are some of my recent favorite looks 🫶 also that’s my friend skylarcaprimusic’s song and she rocks 🎤

When people ask me if it’s hard being lactose intolerant, I just wonder… …have they tried cadoicecream?? 🤔 🍦 but for real, their ice cream is INSANE y’all. better than any other dairy free/vegan ice cream i’ve tried PLUS the first ingredient is avocado (hi nutrients!!) and before you roll your eyes, i promise you would never know! it’s deliciously creamy and packed with healthy fats from the avocado (hence, cado - get it?? 🥑) you never know till you try and why not try especially if it’s got beneficial nutrients sneakily packed inside? 👀 📸: madewildcreative my current fav is cookies n cream. 🍪 which flavor will you try first?

This is Why It’s Okay if You Don’t Have it All Figured Out

Do you believe that the season you are in currently won’t last forever? Personally, I know that I won’t be a senior in college ever again. BUT it’s okay that I don’t have a job lined up. It’s okay that I don’t know where I am going to live.

The Perfect Snack Situation

When I do my grocery shopping for the week, I make sure to have some bars on hand for easy grab n go snacks. {haha, puny, I know} They taste so delicious and do not even have the faintest powdery taste like so many other bars. Back to my grocery shopping excursions {if you don’t already know by this post, I love to grocery shop}…before I go to the store I also really like Perfect Bar’s Brownie Walnut Bar when I’m craving something on the sweet side

Dear Christian, Please Stop Using Scripture to Promote Diet Culture

I’m feeling this way because I’ve heard too many people (including myself) who have felt less than because of their body and food choices due to words that have been voiced by well-meaning believers of Jesus. Using His words to tell His people they aren’t enough, that they need to change the number of gravity toward them (their weight), and that they need to “not eat that because it’s bad I wholeheartedly believe that if Jesus were walking around earth today, He would be EMPOWERING WOMEN to live for HIM and NOT to WASTE their life worrying about how “godly” their food choices are. Nourish YOUR SOUL and YOUR BODY because Jesus loves you and He died for you to live ABUNDANTLY (John 10:10).

Can Suffering be Beautiful?

In the 1st century, when someone was born with an illness or condition, it was thought that the person did something to offend God. However, Jesus dispells that lie with truth saying, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him“. It was because of the man’s blindness that Jesus could display His power and heal him. Keep your eyes and heart opened…and, who knows, maybe one day you’ll notice the leaves have changed…and are, in fact, beautiful.

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