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I believe in the power of personal style and setting your own trends. I'm a vegetarian and reduce/reuse/recycle to save our planet. I also love beauty and have recently transitioned to cruelty-free products. I love to thrift and love the history of vintage items.

Location Phoenix, Arizona
Member Since JANUARY 06, 2019
Social Audience 309
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What I Read Last Month

I think bookstagram has made me want to read more Young Adult, I feel like it’s what’s most popular A fast read for sure because you’ll want to know more about A’s days. The hype around this book is almost unbelievable but it’s honestly so so so good. It’s a fictionalized retelling of a 70’s rock band, full of (yes) sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll.

A Short April TBR

It’s set in future England and it’s about passing an immigration exam but with a dystopian vibe. I was looking at the reviews of some book, I don’t even remember, and the author of this book left a review, I checked out her page, saw she wrote a poetry book and on a whim decided to buy it from Amazon. It’s kinda glamorized historical nonfiction and I love history, especially really random history bits, so I thought I’d read something kinda fun & history-ish before I go back to school and start reading history for realsies. It’s historical fiction set in the Victorian era (? ), about teenage girls who go to boarding/finishing school and end up dabbling with magic and also, maybe at some point there’s a lesbian relationship but that might be one of the later books.

March Wrap Up: What I Read Last Month

So I only read 3 out of 6 book that were on my March TBR List. I started reading a 4th book from the list, The True and Outstanding Adventures of the Hunt Sisters by Elisabeth Robinson, but I didn’t get very far into before leaving it aside to finish a book I started like last summer. The scattered way that she write, veering off into random tidbits of other stories, reminds me so much of the way Lorelai’s dialogue is written in Gilmore Girls. It’s not super strong writing, but it’s like chatting with a friend.

March TBR List

I only read a few pages back in January before I got distracted by another book so maybe second time’s the charm? I’ve actually started reading it and already want to read another book by the author. but I don’t think it’s going to veer into the twist territory that that book did. I know nothing about this book except that it’s somehow related to book #5.

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