Low Key Gluten Free

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Gluten Free Living | Diagnosed with Celiac Disease in 2012 | Connecticut living | Mama to Jack 💕

Member Since AUGUST 11, 2020
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Salmon Cakes – Low Key Gluten Free

🔸2 eggs 🔸2 🔸1 tsp garlic powder 🔸1 tbs Old Bay 🔸1 tsp salt 🔸1 tbs Italian seasoning 🔸2 tbs mayo 🔸Optional (but delicious): a couple sprigs of chopped up green onions! Sauté patties over medium heat in avocado oil (or any oil you’d like) for 3-4 min on each side or until golden brown!

Jack's Birth Story – Low Key Gluten Free

I was excited that I went into labor on my own and wouldn’t need pitocin, but my body was doing a little too much for my liking lol Adam and I walked the halls for a little bit, pausing when I had a contraction so I could lean on him. It would have been one thing if I had breaks in between my contractions, but the contractions had been like 3 minutes apart for HOURS and the back labor was continuous. The contractions were continuing to be 2-3 minutes apart, lasting 1-2 minutes each time, and the back labor hadn’t let up for hours. Finally after 2 minutes, but what felt like a life time, they got Jack out, snipped his umbilical cord (no delayed cord clamping here) and handed him over to the NICU team in the room.

Mashed Potato Cakes – Low Key Gluten Free

Making my way through the world one gluten free meal at a time I made this recipe dairy free! For the rest of the recipe: 1/4 cup cheddar cheese…or more if you love cheese! (I used dairy free)1/4 cup bread crumbs Use seasoned or make your own. Brush butter onto your muffin tins and then sprinkle bread crumbs into the bottom of each.

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