Perlu Network score measures the extent of a member’s network on Perlu based on their connections, Packs, and Collab activity.
Perlu Pulse
(What’s this?)
Perlu Pulse score measures how active a member is on Perlu, on a scale of 0 to 100.
Hi, I'm Maddie!
I am a professional runner and lifestyle blogger with the goal of sharing tips and tricks that make living healthy simple! I share fitness inspiration, organization, and healthy lifestyle hacks.
A few years back, I moved to a new city to pursue my career in professional running- yes it's a thing! While it was so cool to be living that dream, I also faced the challenges of moving to a new place and balancing that side of me with the parts of me that were interested in other things. I had always loved to write and create, so I decided to start a blog to bring some creativity back into my life and share my take on creating healthy, functional spaces.
Today, the goal of my blog and social media is to make healthy living accessible and functional for everyone. Wherever you are right now, you can create a space that contributes to your well-being and your fitness.
That's what I had to learn when things got tough… and I want to make sure others have the tools to create healthy, functional spaces that work for them, too.
When you're in my little corner of the internet, you'll find recipes for fueling the body, fitness tips and running workouts, organization and planning tips, athletic fashion, and some things in between. Lots of motivation and tools to help build healthy, functional spaces with affordable and simple (usually!) methods.
And probably lot's of me talking about my pup or showing off my curls. :) Excited to get to know you!