Amber Porter

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Greetings everyone! My name is Amber I go by Melanin Homemaker. I enjoy writing, it’s my release I started a blog a year ago mostly for fun buts allowed me to meet some awesome people! I really enjoy writing reviews and trying new things. I have a lifestyle blog that is simply all over the place but hey, I have 5 kids try organizing that! I’ve been an influencer for about 3 months and I really would like to learn more and get more ideas. I love meeting people and can’t wait to join some packs to get to know many more folks out there!

Location SACHSE, TX Texas
Country United States of America
Member Since APRIL 13, 2019
Social Audience 1K
  • Careers
  • Education
  • Homeschooling
  • Food & Drink
  • Non-Alcoholic Beverages
  • Family and Relationships
  • Parenting
  • Music and Audio
  • Personal Finance
  • Shopping
  • Traveling
I MUST BE CRAZY!!: Easing the battle of “Stimming”

I know that every child on the spectrum is different but one thing I do know is that most of them stim just in there own way. It could be spinning, running, tapping the leg, snapping, screaming, whatever it may be, its just their special way of releasing that beautiful energy that us parents wish we could bottle up into a pill and swallow. I’d work all day long, come home tired and watching that energy explode was just a reminder that its about to be a long night. So I went online and started looking up whatever I could find to help reduce his energy but in a way that I wouldn’t have to make him feel as though he is being chastised.

Bringing Home Bonnie: My Sons Journey to his Autism Service Dog

The journey began when I saw the way that my son reacted to a therapy dog at a community that I work at. I didn’t really know much about service dogs other than a seeing eye dog for the blind, at least until the owner of the therapy dog shared with the information about service animals for children and adults on the spectrum. so I said yes and put down a deposit on Bonnie and immediately got to work putting together fundraisers to raise the funds for my dog. If you have peace, walk in peace and work toward your goal to bring your service animal home.

Don’t Break the Bank Trying to Homeschool…

I chose from two curriculums and combined them because I needed some additional subjects that weren’t available to me through the main curriculum that I chose. I also wanted to have a curriculum that could bring my family together but also provide something on their learning level as well. You know that those programs will cost an arm and a leg per level and then if you add multiple children it can be even more expensive. For me I personally think this is a more cost effective way to start homeschooling when you have a large family.

How to choose a Curriculum that works for your Family…

Choosing a curriculum is one of the toughest decisions to make for kids on the with special needs because their learning style is so unique! If your children were in public school before you took a dive into homeschooling, use their IEP to get an idea from the schools point of view. Use Letter tiles for spelling, he needs to sharpen his handwriting fine motor skills need work. Triggers: Sitting for long periods at a time, Can’t focus with noise and easily distracted will result in a meltdown.

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