Karen Salmansohn

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I have 1.3 million Facebook followers, 108K Instagram followers, 90K subscribers

My mission: Boost your happiness & health!

I'm a multi best selling author with close to 2 million books sold nationally and internationally – a columnist for Oprah and Psychology Today – and an award winning designer of books, posters and videos. I have 1.3 million Facebook followers, 103K Instagram followers, 90K subscribers, 69K Pinterest followers, 29K Twitter followers, and a celebrity following.

Personally, I'm a late in life mom - who had a baby at 50. I'm now 59 - and promised my 9 year old son I'd do everything I can to live to 100. He asked me to live to 200 - but I bargained him down. I then went on a quest to learn the latest cutting edge research on longevity - and morphed it into a bestselling book LIFE IS LONG.

I write and design a wide range of books & video courses (on happiness, anxiety, love, health, longevity, emotional eating, toxic relationships, success, design, branding) which offer easy-to-understand insights, research and tools to empower you to bloom into your happiest, highest potential self.

I'm known for creating "self help for people who wouldn't be caught dead doing self help" - because I use playful analogies, feisty humor, and stylish graphics to distill big ideas.

Location NY
Country United States of America
Member Since NOVEMBER 11, 2019
Social Audience 2M
notsalmon.com Last Month
  • Moz DA 51
notsalmon 113K Last Month Last 3 Months
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  • Engagement Rate 0.0% 0.0%
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