Richard Allison | Root Bitters

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As an adventurer, mIxologIst, curator and travel enthusIast, RIchard AllIson Is a modern-day RenaIssance man Born and raIsed In San DIego Wwith his twin brother.Richard relocated to Los Angeles CalIfornIa, where he developed hIs love for HospItalIty, desIgn and lIfestyle. Richard has established himself as a passionate cocktail conniosioir and wants to share his lifestyle with you. He has worked with many different bars and restaurants, to starting his own Bitters Company Root Bitters and lifestyle brand. Richard has built an impressive resume working with numerous brands such as Absolute Elyx, David Yurman, Imbibe, Tales of The Cocktail, JacK Daniels, Bombay Sapphire Casa Noble, GyiderIo, DRNXMYTH, TastIng Panel Magazine, Voyage magazIne and a speaker of varIous panel dIscussIons. As a MIxologIst and lIfestyle enthusIast, RIchard connects wIth the HospItalIty Industry as well as fashIon and travel enthusIast. Helping brands grow and sharing through his love for them. RIchards other pursuIts Include photography, cusIne and travelIng remaIning a posItIve role model for the younger generatIonS. HIs charItable efforts Include los Angeles MIssIon for Homeless, and the SalvatIon Army.

Location Scottsdale, Arizona United States
Country United States of America
Member Since FEBRUARY 21, 2020
Social Audience 41K Last Month
  • Moz DA 14
  • Moz DA N/A
rootbitters 39K Last Month Last 3 Months
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  • Engagement Rate 0.0% 0.0%
  • Sponsored Posts N/A N/A
  • Sponsored Engagement Rate N/A N/A
  • Avg Likes 0 0
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