Jen Akin

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Serving drinks & dishes that practically drip vitamin D. (206) 583.7177 @rumbaseattle

Member Since MAY 12, 2020
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Give a book (and maybe get some books)

Gift chains like this don’t always work, that’s true. One of my friends recently let me know she received 7 new books this way. Evenif it hits a dead end, we have the joy of sending someone a book they will enjoy! And it’s likely you’ll delight in the joy of being gifted new books (you can choose to have the gifter choose something from your list or surprise you).

Free Virtual event for single folks who are looking to date

My husband’s Brandon’s pitch got accepted for “Pitch Your Single Friend for a Date” free online Seattle event tonight, February 12, 2021. Brandon’s pitch for one of our single friends will be FUN to watch! If you know folks who are in the Seattle area and are single-and-looking, please share this post with them. and I believe Brandon’s pitch is in the last third of the program.

Feb Roundup: Arts Events from home, Scavenger Hunt in Seattle, and a great way to lower worry & stress

My mom, Jeanne, shared the films she’s most looking forward to seeing this year include Youth Shine (Ages 9+) which is a collection of shorts featuring “young people whose creativity cannot be dimmed by a global pandemic, and learn how their resilience — and yours — can overcome any foe. An Amazing Adventure (Ages 9+) which features 3D animation and Journeys, Genders, and Identities (ages 11+) which “celebrates complex stories of identity and diversity “Children’s Film Festival Seattle celebrates the best and brightest in international film programs for children, including animation, feature-length films, short films and workshops. Even in the pandemic, they are offering online workshops such as “stop motion animation: playing with food” for ages 8-12, “storytelling for filmmakers” for ages 10-14, and more.

My Favorite TV Shows of 2020 (Part 1): Comedies & Competition Shows

I’m sliding into early February to share with you some TV shows (& a few Movies) This is “Part 1: Comedies and Competition Shows.” (To be clear, these are shows I personally WATCHED in 2020 that I recommend.) I LOVE to chat and message about shared love of shows, so share what shows / movies YOU liked in 2020, which on my list resonated with you, or what you’re excited to check out. If you’d like to check out my favorite fiction and non-fiction books (and audiobooks) from what I read in 2020, you can see my full post HERE.

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