I usually look forward enthusiastically to celebrating St. Patrick's Day with family and friends, but of course this year is going to be very different as the COVID-19 global pandemic has (at least temporarily) changed all of our lives.
Now more than ever is a time for business leaders to step up and over the past few days, I found myself wondering about the leadership skills and traits of St. Patrick - a man who lived over 1,500 years ago, who inspired and led others and became a revered figure in Ireland and around the world.
According to the legend, he heard the appeals of the people of Ireland that they were in need of help and even though he had initially been brought to Ireland against his will, he returned because he wanted to help them.
We all know the phrase that a good manager 'Knows the way, shows the way and goes the way' and by being active rather than just giving directions (or orders as some might see it)