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fashion clothing, handbags, shoes, fragrances, in addition to accessories such as hats, gloves, belts, scarf, jewelry, watches, sunglasses, hair & beauty

Location Cedar Park, Texas
Member Since JANUARY 21, 2019
Social Audience 2K
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NYC is Always a Good Idea

What was once one of the most undesirable areas in the city has now become a mecca for the young and hip who flock there to indulge in drinking and music in some of the coolest venues in New York. Curated by JJ Brine, the gallery showcases some very unique conceptual work and has been compared to Andy Warhol’s New York studio, The Factory. Unlike your typical cocktail bar Attaboy has no menu, the bar tender will simply ask you what flavours and types of alcohol you like and custom make you a cocktail then and there! The forested hill above the pond is the Hallet Nature Sanctuary, which is occasionally open to visitors (check the park’s website).

5 Flowers to spice up your living room

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The Coolest Grinder On The Street

For those of you who want to dive deeper into the world of DIY pops, I wrote a comprehensive piece for Krrb that includes links to molds you might want to buy plus lots of recipe ideas. Oh and if you are looking for a slightly more grown up version (read: frozen drinks on a stick) check out One Kings Lane brilliant post with 4 great recipes for the fruity-but-also-alcoholic pop. For those of you who want to dive deeper into the world of DIY pops, I wrote a comprehensive piece for Krrb that includes links to molds you might want to buy plus lots of recipe ideas. Oh and if you are looking for a slightly more grown up version (read: frozen drinks on a stick) check out One Kings Lane’s brilliant post with 4 great recipes for the fruity-but- also-alcoholic pop.

Latest in Children Fashion

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