Evelyn doesn’t dare mention this in public, both because of the very real social penalties women face for badmouthing an ex, and because she’s pretty sure he took advantage of her research to build his new wife.
Martine, the cloned wife, has been made with most of Evelyn’s features, but with changes designed to make her a better wife.
The book continues to ask wild, wide, and thrilling specfic questions through the events of the story: Is a clone of murderer, who didn’t commit murder or remember murdering anyone, evil?
Again, I wondered how the complicated relationships and the crimes were all going to resolve, whether Martine and Evelyn would get away with it, whether a certain alcoholic ex-assistant would become a liability, and what Evelyn would do about that, what would happen with the clones’ lifespans and Violet, what Evelyn would do next, etc.