I run The International Digital Nomad Society and am a professional speaker, coach, and international award winning novelist. I also love photography and capturing emotions. My niche in coaching is Charisma, where I coach clients how to be more likeable, more interesting, and thus more charming. In writing I am known as the master of the international romantic thriller where I have 24 international best sellers. In the area of speaking I am also known as an emotionally engaging entertainer.
My main platform has been twitter, where I have a large following on my three handles that define my areas of work, but have several others I use in an incognito mode surrounding my work helping others. I have decided to start using you tube more in the future and hope to do a lot of interviews, thus looking for those who want to be interviewed so they can tell their story. I am in particularly interested in interviewing those who work as digital nomads worldwide. See my main blog for a full bio at http://www.sirjohn.org/mastersite/about