Staci Nicole

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Stubborn Heart Consulting by @stace1426 ✊💛 Shaping a worldwide community that uplifts and empowers women to champion heart-driven growth

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Putting on Jammies after a Monday is truly the best. Something about settling in for the night that is unparalleled joy. Anyone else?

Anyone else been avoiding the hard things? The mundane things? The dreaded things? The things that you just don’t know how to do? Turns out we all have the unique and powerful ability to sabotage ourselves. How we choose to do so is also uniquely personal. Shocking? Not at all. We excel through specific gifts/ talents so it only makes sense that we get in our own way uniquely too. Chances are we have been doing it our whole lives.. so why quit now? Recognizing, exploring, and confronting the instincts, behaviors,and patterns that don’t serve us allows us to operationalize strategies, create habits, and seek supports in pursuit of our true potential. It’s never too late to have your own back. How are you sabotaging yourself? Curious? Check out: Positive Intelligence, by best-selling author and lecturer Shirzad Chamine Stay Stubborn, Staci

My husband and I stumbled into our favorite local bakery yesterday in hopes they had his favorite blonde brookie in the case ( brownie-cookie for those who aren’t up on baked goods lingo) and not only were we in luck because they had plenty of those fresh and for the taking …but there was something new and mysterious- I had to ask… “what’s that?!?” Pointing to this flat chocolate deliciousness I had never seen before. It’s a cake top! She said. It’s a dollar fifty. Now with inflation the way it is I hadn’t heard a figure like that in quite a while! She continued…. We bake tons of cakes but they have to be flat to ice them so these are the leftovers- just none of the frills. Rather than throw them away we sell them. I lit up inside- I love cake. And the frosting gives me a stomach ache! So you mean to tell me I can have fresh cake sans frosting for $1.50? Yes. Please. It did not disappoint. And it got me thinking. A. I’ll go back and buy 12 more. B. How many perfect things are there out in the world we don’t even know we are looking for? Perfect hires.. teammates right beside us everyday… …Experts who have just what we need - only maybe less flashy. the “cake tops” if you will.. The good stuff, no frills. So I say all this to say .. if you, like me, have ever felt overlooked in the case- like everyone is caught up in the frosting- when the cake has always been the best part… Remember… You are classic. Your value is endless. Stay cake. The right shoppers will find you. And when people are ready to look for what they didn’t know they needed- life will be sweeter for everyone. Stay Stubborn, Staci

Feeling particularly stubborn this Monday Morning. How about you?

Professional experiences shape us. They change us. The good ones. The bad ones. Definitely the ugly ones. We move through life adding each one to our proverbial backpack and march on. The bosses who have taught us precious lessons, the co-workers who have helped us navigate difficult moments. The clients who have forced us to build new skills on the fly. Even the toxic unmentionable moments that have cast a shadow over our willingness to try new things. If you are at a crossroad it can be helpful to take a pause and look at the collection of what all has ended up in your backpack... what is weighing you down? what have you made peace with that can finally be unpacked? What fires you up and makes you feel good just because you know you are bringing it with you? Spring cleaning is real. May you feel heavy enough to stay grounded and light enough to dance into your next adventure. Happy Friday. Stay Stubborn, Staci

Okay so if you know me, you know I love the movie theater. The smell of popcorn. The dark room. Even the never ending Nicole Kidman pre film message. The milk duds! I love it all. I also love more than anything else- SURPRISES! And so I have to tell you nothing is better than a Monday night at the movies for my first #screenunseen ! We got to see @boysintheboatmovie and it just melted me. Keith and I talked the whole way home about the power of a team- the beauty in hard work and how great I would be at being the one holding the bull horn if I ever attempted crew. If you are into movies or surprises see if @amctheatres is offering #screenunseen where you are!

Never underestimate the power of friendship. The sense of connection and belonging that we can offer each other even from far away. We may not see each other every day but just knowing these ladies are out there brings me peace and ease. Friendship is about being the most yourself beside others who reflect your values in the world. It’s about loving other people for who they really are and celebrating the beauty they bring. Think about the friends in your life near and far. Friends from childhood. Friends from school. Friends from work. Think about what they bring out in you and what you bring out in them. Think about how they believe in you during the moments you struggle to believe in yourself. Stay Stubborn, Staci

Are you ready to get ahead of 2024? Let’s get your personal/ professional goals popping. We can fix your resume, LinkedIn, and build your strategy. If you know you want next year to look different we can take the leap together. Visit the link in my bio to take advantage of this one time offer! Let’s Get Stubborn Staci

In the lab cooking up some exciting new things! More to come soon :)

For my birthday my mom, husband and sister took me to an escape room. It should be known I typically hate puzzles and yet I had the best time thinking outside of the box, making mistakes and laughing along the way. We won “the heist” with just 58 seconds left on the clock! It was exhilarating! It was such a great reminder to always stay in it. It’s not over till it’s over! Stay Stubborn, Stac

The moments that move us make us. On a Thursday night in Tarrytown with my eyes closed and holding my husband’s hand I listed to “Undeniable” from the 6th row of the Music Hall. As Jon McLaughlin’s hauntingly beautiful keyboard notes bounced off of Mat Kearney’s guitar I was transported back to 2007 listening to the same beats syncing with my heart as I trudged through the Madison snow on my way to class. It took me right back to the moments I was uncovering who I was and the night me and my roommates went to see Mat at the Majestic on State Street. I was reminded on this beautiful, scary, wildly unpredictable journey of life -it has always been the music. So often we are worried about WHAT to do in life we forget to think about HOW we want to live in life. For me, how means music on a Thursday night. Always. In the soundtrack of your life where have you felt moved? Seen? Changed? Stay Stubborn, Staci @matkearney @citiesofmonsters95 @jonmclaughlin @majesticmadison @stace1426

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