Carrie Harper

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Carrie Harper is a Personal Trainer, Group Exercise Instructor, Health Coach, and Pre/Post Natal Fitness Expert certified through the American Council on Exercise. Carrie has been in the field of fitness since 1994 and health coaching since 2004. Since 2004, Carrie has helped coach thousands of people around the world in weight loss, nutrition, functional fitness, injury healing, injury prevention, and postpartum wellness. Carrie created and designed the Diastasis Recti Recovery System, which has helped thousands of people in 50 countries recover from this common injury. She is the author of best selling book “Flatten my Postpartum Belly,” containing her groundbreaking work with helping people recover from Diastasis Recti. She has been published in Four Points News, Q Magazine, and Mom and Baby Magazine. Carrie lives in Austin with her husband and two daughters.

Location Austin, TX
Country United States
Member Since AUGUST 08, 2019
Social Audience 4K Last Month
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Should I Wear a Waist Trainer or Girdle for Diastasis Recti?

Waist Trainers and Girdles, like these: Have a long history of causing problems in women They don’t teach core engagement or help with actual healing of any muscle or tissue. On the other hand, sometimes, we need a little support while we are working to heal. Sometimes, in moving, working out, or in core recovery, we need a reminder to engage and a little lift

Should I Do Cardio with Diastasis Recti?

There are just a few things I want you to consider when approaching your cardio exercise if there is a Diastasis or core function issue. We adjust all things to fit into our ABC’s, whatever that is today. Can I perform this cardio exercise with proper core engagement? If any piece of The ABC’s is out of place, we have a functional, foundational problem and we have to adjust and start again.

New Collections on Moxie

I’ve been asked about FIRST WORKOUTS and HOW TO PROGRESS, so I made you some collections on my moxie site! first “released to exercise” by your doctor or therapist, after pregnancy, injury, or surgery. The collection “PRACTICING PROGRESSIONS” is for when you are working through recovery, with the book or the course, and you go into the “exit protocol” or “next steps protocol,” and you’re ready to work toward progressing your core exercises. Both collections are part of my overall page, which includes 2 fresh workouts every week and a whole lot of past workouts!

Why Should Trainers be Concerned with Diastasis Recti?

In western medicine, Diastasis Recti is not part of any check up ever, including and particular to the postpartum check-up, and as you can see, chances of her having Diastasis Recti post pregnancy are very high. Moms can continue to struggle with Diastasis Recti for months or YEARS (sometimes they find me when they are grandmothers), and many have never gotten help or a solution. If you’ll take the time, you’ll probably find, as I did when I decided to check every client, that the degree and level of injury is widespread and deserves our attention. You will need to do things differently, such as modify workouts and use a specific protocol like The ABC Method to help her.

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