The stone grants three wishes at first, Minerva accidentally receives a version of Diana’s powers, Diana inadvertently brings back Steve Trevor’s soul, and Max finds a way to draw power directly from the stone itself, sending him on his quest to take over the world.
Max and Minerva ultimately team up against Diana and Steve over their shared anxiety of losing popularity, power and peroxide.
Unfortunately, we spent so much time on Steve and Diana’s “sort of” relationship, and the retelling of Diana’s origins and Lord’s emotional state, that there didn’t seem to be enough time to give Minerva the development the character deserved.
Some missteps, like the all-white breakdance crew on a corner (we literally invented breakdancing in the ‘80s) or Max’s dreadlocked assistant (we weren’t allowed to wear locs in business settings back then), don’t affect the plot but pulled me out of the story momentarily.