Marissa Lyda

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Hi! I'm Marissa! I live in Portland, Oregon with my husband. When we got married, we had $80,000 of student loans and knew that we wanted to pay it off as soon as possible so we could be able to live out our dream of having a house and family! So we started budgeting and sacrificing to pay it off. We paid off all our debt in 2.5 years and since then have saved for retirement, saved an emergency fund, and bought our dream home! On my YouTube channel and Instagram account, I share budgeting tips with millennial women to help them find the balance between enjoying life and accomplishing financial goals. Having a budget allows you to stay accountable with your financial goals while still spending money on the things that are important to you. And that's what I share on my platforms.

Member Since OCTOBER 19, 2019
Social Audience 4K
  • Careers
  • Career Advice
  • Education
  • Family and Relationships
  • Parenting
  • Personal Finance
  • Financial Planning
  • Personal Debt
  • Houses
  • Shopping
  • Travel Preparation
  • Traveling
Pregnancy & Heartbreak. My TTC, First Pregnancy & Miscarriage Story

And still during that time, it was hard to see all of the pregnancy announcements going up on social media, getting invited to baby showers, and hearing friends talk about their own pregnancy journeys. After spending $23 on First Response Early Result and Clear Blue digital tests, I came back home, and took the First Response test. We thought of names, how we were going to tell our families, and what life will be like when baby is here. We also took a look at Jacob’s insurance plan to see how much it was going to cost to add baby and deciding if we should switch from the high deductible plan to the PPO.

5 Side Hustles To Do From Home

Side hustles are great for bringing in extra income to pay off debt or increase savings. Teaching English online with VIPKid is another great side hustle opportunity if you enjoy working with children. But if you’re serious about getting out of debt and enjoy teaching, then teaching with VIPKid can be a great way to make some extra cash! What started out as maybe $100 a month from blogging has now grown to $2,000 a month from all income streams with my blog and YouTube channel.

5 Easy Money-Saving Hacks Without Being A Cheapskate

If you go out to lunch every work day, you’re spending about $40 a week or about $160 a month on lunch for just one person! By creating a capsule wardrobe, I don’t need to be buying a bunch of random clothing items. I always visit Ebates before I make any online purchase and it’s an easy way to save money on online shopping that I’d be doing anyway! And you definitely don’t need to be a cheapskate or a weirdo to save a little cash.

How I Made $5,121 Blogging This Quarter

It taught me how to do affiliate marketing correctly and how I could best benefit from affiliate marketing as an income stream. It’s pretty passive and while you can make more money if you have more views, you don’t need a huge audience to make money from affiliate marketing. The affiliates that I work with, and make up this total income, are Amazon, Bluehost, Ebates and the Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing course. I just put in a little bit of time on the side, and I’m now making a part-time income from my business.

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