The Haifa Girls

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Hi, we are Sarah and Alana, TheHaifaGirls! We write. We travel. We thrift. We're a triple threat. We have the gift 😘. For more fun content you can follow us on @womanasriot @mukikapupstravels. Follow along for our adventures and tips and all things DIY, travel, thrifting and more! More about us: We started our website in April and have an average of 800-900 monthly viewers on our site. We have close to 50/50 male and female viewership, with mostly the 25-44 age range (both website and social media). We have published series on topics like quarantinis, artist profiles, greatest hits lists and more. We publish travel guides on places and ideas for staycations as well. We sell photography and thrifted clothing and have plans for so much more to come! Expertise: Alana has degrees in English Lit and Gender Studies. She is a poet and singer, and has experience working with cultural centers/museums. Sarah has an undergraduate degree in Advertising and agency experience. She also has Masters degrees in Biblical Studies and Archaeology (the latter from Israel), and has experience and skills in photography, videography, graphic and web design, writing and editing.

Country United States of America
Member Since AUGUST 13, 2020
Social Audience 451 Last Month
  • Moz DA 8
thehaifagirls 432 Last Month Last 3 Months
  • Posts 0 0
  • Engagement Rate 0.0% 0.0%
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  • Avg Likes 0 0
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  • Desserts and Baking
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  • Parenting
  • Music and Audio
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  • Pop Culture
  • Real Estate
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  • Shopping
  • Travel
  • Travel Locations
  • Traveling
Build your own website without knowing how to code

As you build your site, you’ll find more and more new things to learn and that you need for your site to make it better. If you want to design an original logo, you can use a free app like Canva, but it’s going to be limited depending on your vision. If you start with a higher-end camera, your photos won’t necessarily reflect that level of camera and by the time you’re ready for that, you’ll need to upgrade again. If you feel like you’re mid-level, get a mid-level camera (the 60D is a mid-level, and I bought it a number of

You Are Such A Sweet Latke Cocktail

You need a just a little because
 well, maybe you’re dealing with family. a-wassailing Wassail gets its name from the tradition of Wassailing, a Medieval English drinking ritual that was thought to help the next year’s apple harvest. So, we’re keeping with the healthy coconut theme from the latke recipe, and adding coconut milk to the sweet latke cocktail. I heated mine up for about 30-45 seconds and added it in; add as much or little as you want, the drink is fantastic either way!

The Rabbi Klaustein Cocktail

If you don’t know about him, I made him for my family for our Chanumas celebration years ago, and now he’s a holiday staple in my house. He was inspired by a character in the book A Chanukah Fable for Christmas by Jerome Coopersmith, a Santa-inspired character who rides on a giant dreidel in the sky. My family has always gotten a kick out of this book and character, and from him we started talking about “Rabbi Klaustein”. Inspired by this fictional Rabbi, Alana and I made up this specialty cocktail just for your Chanumas/holiday celebrations!

Sweet Potato Latkes And Applesauce

So, it’s Chanukkah, but you don’t want to mess up your healthy eating, and/or you’re going to feel bad if you eat all the latkes, sufganiyot, and other oily/unhealthy things. So I’m going to include a recipe my sister gave me at the end if you want make it (it’s also the applesauce pictured in my photos)! Spoon a lot of coconut oil into a pan on the stove – can be enough to cover the latkes, but can just be a good half inch or so, and then you can flip the latkes (that’s what I did, Turn the crockpot on low and let cook all day, around 8 hours (or overnight), stirring every couple hours.

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