Hi, we are Sarah and Alana, TheHaifaGirls! We write. We travel. We thrift. We're a triple threat. We have the gift đ. For more fun content you can follow us on @womanasriot @mukikapupstravels. Follow along for our adventures and tips and all things DIY, travel, thrifting and more!
More about us: We started our website in April and have an average of 800-900 monthly viewers on our site. We have close to 50/50 male and female viewership, with mostly the 25-44 age range (both website and social media). We have published series on topics like quarantinis, artist profiles, greatest hits lists and more. We publish travel guides on places and ideas for staycations as well. We sell photography and thrifted clothing and have plans for so much more to come!
Expertise: Alana has degrees in English Lit and Gender Studies. She is a poet and singer, and has experience working with cultural centers/museums. Sarah has an undergraduate degree in Advertising and agency experience. She also has Masters degrees in Biblical Studies and Archaeology (the latter from Israel), and has experience and skills in photography, videography, graphic and web design, writing and editing.