Dave Chant

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I like great coffee, and write stuff. Usually found in flip flops, ski boots or walking boots.

On my self-titled site I write on value travel, skiing, hiking, festivals and other life hacks. Also interested in books and films.

On the undertourist.com I write about getting away from overtourism and being more environmentally conscious.

Country United Kingdom
Member Since APRIL 18, 2020
Social Audience 602
davechant.com Last Month
  • Moz DA 21
davechanttravel 602 Last Month Last 3 Months
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  • Traveling
10 Tips to Sleep Better

It’s a body clock that allows us to be up at the same time as everyone else, hence able to look after our offspring, find a mate, get food when we can see it and chase it and hunt it, and then sleep to repair the body when it’s dark. Preferably, its better if its an early wake up (say 6am-7am) because this helps with light that also affects our rhythm (more on that later). Some people do have slightly warped rhythms where they seem to function better later on in the day. While there are some benefits in studies to taking naps, this appears to be with short naps (I call them snappy naps) below 20 minutes.

What I Learnt On Tinder Posing As The Opposite Sex

I did find out two things about women through doing “woman” on woman dating – The universal element I found is that women are much more open on dating Apps when they think they are talking to other women. I realised that she hasn’t dated a guy for over a decade, doesn’t like men anymore and that she lived with a girl in New Zealand (not a guy as she told me). Part of me thinks that I should be a little guilty about this, about the fact that she gave away her truer self away to me thinking I was a women.

2020 Review: A Killer Virus and Living in the "New" World

Increase Domain Authority (DA) to 20, Make 3 figures per month ($), Have 100 Posts by the end of the year, Write a Mountain Series of Books, Less reliance on social media but automate Instagram and explore TikTok, 5000 Unique Visitors per month I also took both a videography course and a photography course and these were another two things (along with the website redesign) that took up considerable time during lockdown. To this end I sold my Mirrorless camera which does make a lot of the teachings of a photography course defunct. Finally, I did want to bring 5000 visitors to the site and start making some money – even if it was just $100 a month, I would have been ecstatic.

3 Methods To Plan New Year's Resolutions 2021

This is more the method that calls to me to plan New Year’s Resolutions, and to creative types (although I still have a healthy dose of Method 1 in me too) I like the idea to plan New Year’s Resolutions this way as it focuses on the positive and keeps our emotions high. We grow and we change, and often the reason that we aren’t an astronaut like we wanted to be as a kid, isn’t because we didn’t follow the dream. I would split it into the dream world if life returns completely to normal, and then a set of goals of what we can accomplish in the world that we currently live in.

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