This led me not only to search for other Pokémon speedrunning formats, like catch ‘em all or Pokedex order, but also to look into how to stream Pokémon speedruns myself.
While there are some speedrun basics you’ll need for all categories, like streaming software, an emulator, and speedrun timers, there are also a few unique tools you’ll need if you’re looking to try a specialized category such as catch ‘em all.
If you’ve seen a Catch ‘Em All race, such as this Pokédex Order Catch ‘Em All Randomizer race between 360Chrism and Keizaron (clocking in at a whopping 8 hours and 35 minutes! ), you’ve noticed that streamers display how many pokémon they’ve caught so far right within their stream.
Set up your speedrun timer and catch ‘em all tracker (on Mac OS X)
This part can get a bit trickier, as you’ll need to work with Sources and Filters to integrate the speedrun timer and Pokémon tracker components into your stream.