Daniela Norcia - Ultrapassando Fronteiras

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Hi! I’m Daniela Norcia, a Brazilian and Italian communication professional. I am now living in Valencia, Spain, and I work remotely as a communication consultant and content creator. In 2018 I created Ultrapassando Fronteiras, a about travelling and living abroad. The objective is to show different destinations and places, share practical information – how to study abroad, how to choose a travel insurance -, and also tell exotic and special experiences.

I noticed the importance to provide information on living abroad. I have lived in UK, France (two times, one in Paris and another in Alsace), Italy and Spain. Consequently, I had to deal with different legislations, daily routines and cultures. So, I tell here about this experiences and I bring information to help this life abroad to be smooth and delicious! I wish my readers to have unforgettable experiences and also unveil this big planet!

Location Valencia, Valencia Valencia
Country Spain
Member Since JUNE 22, 2019
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