Alabama Influencers


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    This Pack includes 7 profiles with YouTube accounts. Audience data for these accounts is private.

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  • Home & Garden
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  • Paranormal Phenomena
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  • Medical Health
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  • Business and Finance
  • Parenting
  • Family and Relationships

Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Alabama Influencers (6)
Member Audience Pack Score

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  • The Cutest Easter Outfits for Toddlers & Babies

    As such, I love dressing Macie up in the sweetest smocked outfits, especially for special occasions. This year, with two littles to dress up, my mind is coming up with all the cutest images of matching outfits for my babies. If y’all are looking for the perfect outfits for your little ones this Easter season, I’ve rounded up just a few of my favorites. Do y’all like dressing up your little ones in matching outfits for special occasions?

  • The Best Home Decor for Spring

    I don’t know about y’all, but whenever the temperatures start to warm up around this time of year, it makes me SO ready to get some new home decor for the season! Ryan and I don’t typically really decorate for St. Patrick’s Day too much (other than just some cute hand towels in the kitchen and bathrooms), but spring decor is pretty all-encompassing for the upcoming spring holidays. If y’all are the same, I’ve rounded up some of the cutest spring decor for your home! Personally, I’m really excited to add a new cozy blanket and a pretty new wreath to the front door!

  • Third Trimester Bumpdate Baby #2

    This week, I am 36 weeks pregnant, and that means we are less than ONE MONTH away from meeting Baby H #2, eeeekkkk! ’s been a long pregnancy because, ever since my miscarriage, it feels like I never really stopped being pregnant. Differences in this pregnancy vs. Macie’s and last-minute gender predictions – Not finding out the baby How I’m keeping busy in the waiting We’ve honestly been pretty prepared for baby for the last few months.

  • Noelle Hotaling 2K FEBRUARY 24, 2021
    Pantry Makeover & Organization

    If y’all were following along on Instagram at all, you’ll know that a few weeks ago we completed our pantry makeover! I have been dying to demo and totally makeover this pantry for such a long time, and we finally did it (well…Ryan did it anyway)! I looked for how to best place things, looked at various ideas for a layout, etc. Once we found something we liked, Ryan got to work taking all the old shelving out, spackled any holes or rough spots, measured, and then we headed to Lowe’s and got all the wood we needed.

  • Noelle Hotaling 2K FEBRUARY 15, 2021
    How We're Getting Our Master Ready for Baby

    I’m 34 weeks today, and that means we’re just 5 weeks out from meeting this new addition! We live in a new house, we’ve got Macie who is now 2.5 and things are just a little different. ’s nursery all ready, but for the first few months, the baby will be in our room with Ryan and I. Our master is just a little smaller in the house than it was in the apartment. On the shelves of the night stand we set up a little changing station with extra diapers and wipes, diaper cream…all the necessities.

  • Noelle Hotaling 2K FEBRUARY 10, 2021
    Supplements I'm Taking During Pregnancy

    I have been taking one by Nature Made since early last year when we started trying for baby #2 and have been loving it!Acid A few weeks ago, I asked my doctor if there was anything I could do to help with restless leg syndrome and she recommended taking these. My MIL is a nurse practitioner and early on she recommended taking B6 to help with nausea. And while they definitely help with that, there are lots of other benefits to taking B6 like your baby

  • Noelle Hotaling 2K FEBRUARY 08, 2021
    What's In My Hospital Bag: Baby #2

    With this baby, I used past experience, and the experience of other mamas to help guide my packing strategy. Baby #2 Going-home outfit (I’m just bringing my favorite maternity leggings, and a loose-fitting sweatshirt)Blanket and my own pillowNursing bra one is simply because my MIL got the baby this super soft zip-up footie but also because if this baby is like Macie, it won’t fit in NB size clothesWipes -the hospital does provide wipes, but when I had Macie, they were just dry cloths that you wet with a peri bottle. -I definitely don’t need as many as I’m bringing but they’re tinyCar seat – we use a convertible seat that we’ve already installed in the car!)

  • Valentine's Day Party for Toddlers

    Don’t ask me why, but I decided to take Valentine’s Day by the horns this year and do something a little extra fun for Macie. Whatever the reason, this year I thought it might be fun to throw Macie a little Valentine’s Day party! I headed to my local Dollar Tree as well as our Target to pick up some cute, cheap little items that I knew Macie would love. I made PB&J sandwiches, cut into cute little heart shapes, cut strawberries to look like hearts, and with a few other festive touches, this little party came together so perfectly!

  • How to Prepare Your Toddler for a New Baby

    5 Ways to Prepare Your Toddler to Be a Big Sibling Talk, talk, talk! Reading books about what it will be like to be a big sibling is an easy way to introduce big sibling-hood! Let your toddler help pick out some baby clothes or other baby items, allow them to help you set up the nursery, let them give input where it’s appropriate for a toddler to do so. This will help make the room more inviting and fun, so when baby does come, they’ll know this isn’t a stuffy place where they don’t belong.

  • The Top 9 Best Toddler Hair Products

    As a mama to a little girl with LOTS of hair (thick hair at that!), I’ve very quickly had to figure out what the heck to do with it. Over the course of Macie’s 2+ years, we’ve experimented with different hair products to see what works and what doesn’t. But lately, since we’re trying to grow her bangs out, I’ve been giving her a little side braid to help train her hair in the direction we want it to go. On a daily basis, I’ll brush through it and then use the rat tail comb to style it (I use this gel to help smooth things out and keep the baby hairs in check).

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