Cancers such as mesothelioma, as well as lung, laryngeal and ovarian cancer have all been linked to asbestos, as well as scarring of the lungs and thickening of the lung lining, both of which cause shortness of breath according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
The agency will only restrict products that have a direct risk to workers who may come into contact with it during the manufacturing process, but there are also indirect risks and secondary exposure risks that are contributing to the continual danger of asbestos.
This does not even account for those who are exposed to asbestos when the workers carry traces of it home on their clothing or equipment, or via indoor air in buildings or housing where deterioration of materials or crumby (friable) asbestos materials may be present.
Even in 2020, many people remained exposed to asbestos which continues to put them and their families at high risks for various serious and even fatal health issues and until stricter laws and bans are in place, millions of people are likely to develop these cancers and illnesses due to asbestos.