Professional Event Photography


Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.


These photographers may be interested in meet ups or working with brands, models, and online influencers.

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Apr 14

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May 17

Custom Collab
Dec 17

Audience 1M
  • 698K
  • (Information)

    This Pack includes 13 profiles with YouTube accounts. Audience data for these accounts is private.

  • 32K
  • 2K
  • Books and Literature
  • Career Advice
  • Events and Attractions
  • Personal Celebrations & Life Events
  • Family and Relationships
  • Parenting
  • Pop Culture
  • Real Estate
  • Traveling

Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Professional Event Photography (40)
Member Audience Pack Score

Pack Score: Measures a user’s influence and reach in relation to their peers within a pack. Improve your Pack Score by connecting your accounts to Perlu.

  • Fotospots im Taunus – 9 super schöne Orte zum Fotografieren

    Das erste Foto hier ist ein Sonnenaufgang und das zweite ein Sonnenuntergang. Sein eisernes Äußeres und die Verzierungen, die um den Tempel herum und dem Tempel findest du die Aussichtsplattform, die ebenfalls von einem eisernen Geländer eingegrenzt ist. Der Zacken bietet nicht nur eine außergewöhnliche und wunderschöne Felsformation, die sonst für den

  • Königstein im Taunus – 11 Tipps für deinen Ausflug

    Es gehört zusammen mit der Burg Königstein und der Villa Andreae zu den drei stadtbildprägenden Gebäuden von Königstein. Hildablick – Die Postkartenaussicht über Königstein Die Villa Borgnis ist das sogenannte Kurhaus von Königstein. Herzog Adolph von Nassau hatte eine ganz besondere Beziehung zu Königstein und selbst als das Herzogtum Nassau von Preussen annektiert wurde, kehrte er regelmäßig in sein Schlösschen unterhalb der Burg Königstein zurück. Hier wurden Adlige und hochrangige Wirtschaftsleute empfangen und ihre Eröffnung war ein gesellschaftliches Ereignis, bei dem auch die Kaiserin Viktoria und der Prince of Wales

  • Katie McGihon 16K MARCH 17, 2021
    Kenna and Brock's Engagement

    I distinctly remember the Sunday afternoon I heard Kenna laugh again. Church had just ended and people were milling about Auditorium One. Head back, nose wrinkled, joy-filled, soulful laugh. Kenna and Brock-thanks for letting me hide in the bushes for you.

  • Katie McGihon 16K MARCH 12, 2021
    Katie McGihon Photography

    I’m not quite sure how to feel about the fact that my baby sister is graduating from high school, and that I had the opportunity to photograph her senior portraits this year. It seems like just last week that she was a silly toddler with blond hair, thick glasses, and the best cheesy grin around. Now, she’s a beautiful young woman with an exciting future ahead of her. It was a joy to spend time with Bella in the mountains!

  • Katie McGihon 16K MARCH 08, 2021
    Creating Content With Laura Neil Fine Art

    With more and more businesses suffering and even closing due to the pandemic, entrepreneurs are having to completely rethink their marketing strategies in order to stay ahead of the game. Needless to say, the need for fun, relatable, and professional images that speak to your ideal client is a must. I was ecstatic when my sweet client, Laura reached out to me to help her create content for her new website and social media channels. She has been incorporating her branding images into her website and social media presence and it has seriously up-leveled her reach.


    This beautiful trip starts in San Daniele del Friuli (Province of Udine), a town famous for its raw ham, in fact I recommend a nice lunch at Prosciutteria IE San Daniele, where you can eat a very good ham and also visit the ham museum upstairs . After lunch, our trip to the lakes begins just a few minutes away by car, the first is the Ragogna lake to follow the Cornino lake and finally the largest of all, the Cavazzo lake. Finally we come to Lake Cavazzo, the particularity of this lake and which bathes the territory of three municipalities, Cavazzo Carnico, Bordano and Trasaghis, in fact it is also called the lake of the 3 municipalities. This is a photographic trip for everyone, simple sneakers are enough, I recommend bringing a zoom lens (at least 300mm) to photograph the fauna, especially if you want to do birdwatching but also a lens for long exposures and therefore also a tripod and filters ND, for spectacular photos on the lakes, pay attention only to the reflection of the sun on the lake during rush hour.

  • Katie McGihon 16K MARCH 01, 2021
    Shawna and Ryan's Engagement Session

    Friends, these two lovers are already married and this session was last Spring. I suppose that’s what happens when you have four babies at home during a global pandemic for a year… Through the ups (there have been many) and the downs (there have also been many), she always believed in love and never settled for less than she deserved. I’ll be blogging about their wedding in a few weeks

  • Kitryn Marie 149 FEBRUARY 27, 2021
    Where The Bell Tolls

    I am sorry to anyone who has taken their life and health for granted and I reserve the right to not feel for sorry for anyone who has bought into the fear factor and could not see how they were played for political $$$$ and power! As organizations have play-cated to health depts demands, apparently they do not know how pay-to-play works!? Watching people walk around not interacting, barely looking at anyone in the eye, keeping a distance, the mask, the gloves, the shields, the zombie effect! The on-hold pattern of being stagnant, not participating in a life outside of my area can no longer be put on hold.

  • Larissa Antoni 4K FEBRUARY 24, 2021
    In-Game Photography: the new era of photography

    Some prefer to call it Virtual Photography others Video Game Photography or Gaming Photography but the goal is always the same, to photograph within a video game. Many will have noticed, especially in video games released in recent years, such as Assassin’s Creed Valhalla or Ghost of Tsushima, have a real photo mode within the game, to fully satisfy the desire to photograph scenarios, highlights and/or portraits of their favorite characters. The most famous case is certainly by Eva and Franco Mattes with their project 13 Most Beautiful Avatars, a series of portraits depicting avatars from the famous Second Life video game, which was exhibited at the Postmasters Gallery in New York Not to mention Duncan Harrys, became famous for taking pictures of him on Dishonored, made thanks to a mod that allowed him to modify the source code to shoot freely. Those photos were so beautiful that Arkane Studios hired him for other photographic work within their video games.

  • Kitryn Marie 149 FEBRUARY 20, 2021
    The Making Of a Well Balanced Life

    Sadly long-term relationships do change and people need to adjust, adhere and find new meaningful activities (separate) so the relationship strain does not keep draining the life out of one of the individuals. When people start relying on the everyday existence of their partner doing the same routines, home, life, hobbies, work etc... together all the time with no need for anything apart from; they lose touch with how life would be functioning on their own. I am not dismissing emotion or connection... but if a person attaches to a situation or a person for that matters for all the wrong reasons, it does not make for a well-balanced existence or an inter-dependent life! If a person feels like they meant nothing to someone, I'd have to say to that person, it has to do more with how they are taking the situation personally and not looking at the situation for what it really is.

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