People of Color Travel Influencers


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Kris T. Liburd Created by Kris T. Liburd SEPTEMBER 17, 2019

Collaborate among the fastest growing segment within the travel industry that is challenging stereotypes and the face of travel


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Sep 25

Audience 337K
  • 227K
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    This Pack includes 10 profiles with YouTube accounts. Audience data for these accounts is private.

  • 788
  • Family and Relationships
  • Pop Culture
  • Traveling

Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

People of Color Travel Influencers (14)
Member Audience Pack Score

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  • Lit Lounge Anguilla: The Newest (and Loudest) Hot Spot on Sandy Ground

    The newest party spot in Sandy Ground, Lit Lounge opened in the summer of 2019. If you can make your way to Sandy Ground Beach, then you won’t have any trouble finding Lit Lounge Anguilla. Simply follow the loudest party sounds and you should have no trouble at all… Street art extends to the sea among the ruins of the old Mariners Cliffside Beach Resort in Anguilla, thanks to graffiti artist Adam G. Looking Back at Sandy Island, Anguilla: Photo of the DayA teensy-weensy island that's more glorified sandbar than even an itsy-bitsy islet, Sandy Island, Anguilla is truly special and always worthy of another look.

  • French Kiss Valentine's Cocktail – Rhum and Bubbles in Perfect Harmony

    My new favorite: the French Kiss Valentine’s Cocktail. The latest in our series of incredible rhum agricole cocktails from the amazing Ms. Kiowa Bryan, this tipple lives up to its name… I was hooked at first sip, the sexy combination of bubbles and Rhum Clément Agricole Blanc reigniting old passions, while at the same time setting the stage for new ones later this Valentine’s Weekend. The ti' punch rhum agricole cocktail is a triumph of simplicity that combins just three ingredients with a Martinique joie de vivre that's one of a kind.

  • Mudjin Harbour Caves, Middle Caicos – Uncommon Attraction

    Among the more striking features of the seaside cliffs that line Mudjin Harbour in Middle Caicos are a small collection of caves. The most easily accessible of the two Mudjin Harbour Caves is impossible to miss if you’re planning to enjoy the fabulous three-mile stretch of beach here. From the Empyrean Villas, our home away from home in North Caicos, we drove south along Whitby Highway toward Middle Caicos. The Crossing Place Trail that exists in Middle Caicos today doesn't cover the full length of the original, but thankfully it still includes many of the most scenic seaside sections, including this one at Mudjin Harbour.

  • Rhum Clément Canne Bleue – Luxury in Every Sip

    Said to be the world’s most expensive sugarcane, la canne bleue is renowned for its richly aromatic character. Like all Clément rhums, Canne Bleue is produced to the exacting (and exalted) standards that have earned for the rhums of Martinique the world’s only AOC designation for rum. Rhum Clément Canne Bleue lives up to its lofty AOC designation and exclusive sugarcane, offering a true taste of luxury in every sip. There’s also a bit of a creamy feel and sweetness to Rhum Clément Canne Bleue.

  • Amber Porter 1K JANUARY 29, 2021
    I MUST BE CRAZY!!: Easing the battle of “Stimming”

    I know that every child on the spectrum is different but one thing I do know is that most of them stim just in there own way. It could be spinning, running, tapping the leg, snapping, screaming, whatever it may be, its just their special way of releasing that beautiful energy that us parents wish we could bottle up into a pill and swallow. I’d work all day long, come home tired and watching that energy explode was just a reminder that its about to be a long night. So I went online and started looking up whatever I could find to help reduce his energy but in a way that I wouldn’t have to make him feel as though he is being chastised.

  • Chairman's Reserve Legacy – Fine Rum Made Better By Rhum

    New to the U. S. market as of October 2020, Chairman’s Reserve Legacy was crafted in honor of Laurie Barnard, creator of Chairman’s Reserve Rum. No SLD rum honors and exemplifies Laurie’s ambition better than Chairman’s Reserve Legacy. … …“Legacy” features the addition of sugarcane juice distillate, a trademark of Laurie since the day he grew sugarcane around the distillery to isolate the signature proprietary yeast Chairman’s Reserve is so famous for. Chairman's Reserve Rum is one of the finest expressions of rum to come from St. Lucia.

  • Amber Porter 1K JANUARY 24, 2021
    Bringing Home Bonnie: My Sons Journey to his Autism Service Dog

    The journey began when I saw the way that my son reacted to a therapy dog at a community that I work at. I didn’t really know much about service dogs other than a seeing eye dog for the blind, at least until the owner of the therapy dog shared with the information about service animals for children and adults on the spectrum. so I said yes and put down a deposit on Bonnie and immediately got to work putting together fundraisers to raise the funds for my dog. If you have peace, walk in peace and work toward your goal to bring your service animal home.

  • Amber Porter 1K JANUARY 16, 2021
    Don’t Break the Bank Trying to Homeschool…

    I chose from two curriculums and combined them because I needed some additional subjects that weren’t available to me through the main curriculum that I chose. I also wanted to have a curriculum that could bring my family together but also provide something on their learning level as well. You know that those programs will cost an arm and a leg per level and then if you add multiple children it can be even more expensive. For me I personally think this is a more cost effective way to start homeschooling when you have a large family.

  • Amber Porter 1K JANUARY 14, 2021
    How to choose a Curriculum that works for your Family…

    Choosing a curriculum is one of the toughest decisions to make for kids on the with special needs because their learning style is so unique! If your children were in public school before you took a dive into homeschooling, use their IEP to get an idea from the schools point of view. Use Letter tiles for spelling, he needs to sharpen his handwriting fine motor skills need work. Triggers: Sitting for long periods at a time, Can’t focus with noise and easily distracted will result in a meltdown.

  • Amber Porter 1K JANUARY 12, 2021
    Omg! I spilled the Crayons…

    I also know that I am guilty of rushing to his aid every time he has a melt down because I know how quick it can turn into a nightmare I put my robe on behind the shower curtain of course (wouldn’t want to blind the poor kid) and I took that opportunity to explain very simply by giving him praise first. What I am learning on this journey is that having a special needs child you will feel like you are standing alone majority of the time. Take discipline one day at a time, celebrate the days they work, let go and love on your kiddo on the days that seem like you’re going through the test of a lifetime.

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