Women's Streetwear


Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.


A pack created for the collaboration of women streetwear influencers and upcoming streetwear brands.

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Sep 22

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Jul 08

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Jun 12

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Jun 08

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Jun 02

Audience 1M
  • 1M
  • (Information)

    This Pack includes 11 profiles with YouTube accounts. Audience data for these accounts is private.

  • 1K
  • 521
  • Healthy Living
  • Style & Fashion
  • Street Style
  • Women's Fashion
  • Shopping

Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Women's Streetwear (36)
Member Audience Pack Score

Pack Score: Measures a user’s influence and reach in relation to their peers within a pack. Improve your Pack Score by connecting your accounts to Perlu.

  • 3 Signs You Probably Suffer From Martyr Complex

    How do I know that it’s martyr complex and If you have a martyr complex, you probably don’t believe you have time for self care, or you aren’t important enough to be very high up on the to-do list. If this feels like something you can relate to, it’s quite possible you have a martyr complex. In these situations it’s possible that the person suffering with a martyr complex will be inspired to seek help in better understanding their behavior.

  • To Pair or Not To Pair: The Tale of 2 Socks

    These are the people that take the time to find matches to their socks and the ever so delicately match up the heals, ankles, and toes, which they then precede to fold in half and turn it inside out over itself. Sort of like the way some people fold/roll towels I guess. Cuffers come in a couple (or multiple) varieties, but the way I’m talking about specifically are the ones who match their socks up heal to heal and then “cuff” the ankles over to keep the pair together. This is a dumping ground for all things sock-like (except hosiery, those tend to strangle the whole mess and make it an actual disaster, those go in a mesh bag…like sock jail).

  • Some Things You CANNOT Change: That’s OK, Too

    If you can’t change it … change the way you think about it With that being said, I will admit that it’s not always easy. What People Think Along that same line is that you can’t control how or what people think. Give your anxiety a break and let people think what they’re going to think. ’s past, not your town’s past, not your country’s past, not the world’s past.

  • Finding a Groove or Stuck in a Rut

    2020 wasn’t the friendliest to many people, and 2021 isn’t shaping up much better. Then there is the short cut, which as you can imagine doesn’t have very good odds, but can make up some good time Option 2 is the groove: not as safe, but you can usually count on it to get you where you’re going, easier than the short cut, a little tougher than the rut, more adventure. I know I’m in a groove with it because when I want to explore other avenues or hobbies, I still have enough time and energy left in my schedule to do so.

  • When Not Getting Dressed Seems Easier

    My husband can’t do squat to help me if he doesn’t know, and since it’s happening inside of me, he won’t know if I do For reals, I don’t care if it’s one of those Little Debbie’s you’ve been hiding in the back of the pantry for months. All I have to do is pull myself together enough to answer the door or pick it up, which takes far fewer spoons than actually fixing a meal up properly…far, far, fewer spoons. For me, they could be physical, mental, or both, maybe it’s the same for you, maybe it’s not.

  • 10 Things Every Girl’s Closet Should Include

    They line their closet racks with every style and color of shoe thinkable. Having a few solid cardigan options opens up a world of new possibilities with any other combination. I can always find a new top I like and they seem to collect rather fast in my closet. Just be true to yourself and keep a decent stash of basics, and getting dressed shouldn’t ever be too difficult.

  • Hot Mess Mama: That’s OK

    I’m still a hot mess, some days much worse than others, thanks to ever undulating hormone levels. Again, it’s not a cure all, but it definitely helps to have several building blocks in this structure when you’re a hot mess and might forget one every now and then. Your tribe is the people that you can ask for help, be it taking the kids for a couple of hours, catching up on the cleaning, or just good It’s quite lovely, but I had to put my pride aside before I found the resources to help with that issue.

  • You, Me, and A Cup of Tea: January

    I don’t like matcha in anything other than smoothies, but most other teas are pretty good. I love almost all herbal teas, a good chunk of the fruit teas, and in true geek fashion, Earl Grey, hot (we are still counting geek points, it’s a thing!). I can’t drink my coffee black, but I can’t drink my tea dressed up… go figure. Like I said, I’m a pretty good chatterbox as long as I’m in my comfort zone physically.

  • 5 Ways to Start the New Year Fresh

    All the underthings to be precise, but at the very least a new bra and a new pack of underwear (or several pair if you buy the “fancy” singles…like me). Starting the year off with a new bra AND new underwear? That’s because what your problem is, isn’t necessarily my problem, or someone else’s. ’s resolutions aren’t my thing, but it is a good time to refresh some things.

  • New Year, New Me: And Other Fairytales

    I do think that goal setting is worth doing, but I don’t think that rolling over into the next day, the next week, the next month, the next year is going to make achieving the goal any easier or more likely. Saying that you are going to start something “tomorrow” or “next month” or at the “new year” is just a way to give yourself more time to come up with reasons why it (whatever “it” is) can’t be done, or isn’t worth doing. Your time is whenever it’s right for you; whenever it is ACTUALLY right for you. Unless you are in the right mindset to actually buckle down and do it for yourself – not a calendar, it’s not going to happen.

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