Families Traveling with Teens


Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Kirsten Maxwell Created by Kirsten Maxwell Advisor NOVEMBER 06, 2018

This is a group for parents traveling with teens to share their favorite ideas, collaborate on articles, and compare notes. Come join us!

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Audience 4M
  • 2M
  • 711K
  • 87K
  • (Information)

    This Pack includes 50 profiles with YouTube accounts. Audience data for these accounts is private.

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  • Travel Locations
  • Traveling

Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Families Traveling with Teens (116)
Member Audience Pack Score

Pack Score: Measures a user’s influence and reach in relation to their peers within a pack. Improve your Pack Score by connecting your accounts to Perlu.

  • Mi nombre mi marca

    acción en mi vida, la hago con actitud positiva y empatía, soy feliz, elijo a pesar de cualquier contexto ser feliz. En la consultora , Contactos y Negocios, esto es lo que realmente importa más allá de los costos Gracias a un jefe con mucha paciencia, terminé el secundario con 2 hijos de noche, pasé por una reestructuración En el 2016 ingresé a la Municipalidad de Pilar en la Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico, inauguré los 2 clubs de emprendedores, me gustó mucho trabajar las mesas de apoyo al emprendedor, aprender y compartir con gente sencilla como profesional, quienes

  • Pamela Frost 3K MARCH 31, 2021
    My Top 5 Favorite Running Podcasts

    I enjoy listening to podcasts and want to share with you my top 5 favorite running podcasts. I love their stories of everyday life and running, along with their fun ideas for runDisney races! When I saw that Richard started a Facebook group and had a podcast about running , I sent him a message right away. You can also join his Facebook group to share and learn more about running.

  • How to Prep Camping Gear for Spring

    If you followed my tips for storing your camping gear over the winter, then all of your gear is safely stowed away, and it’s time to start getting your camping gear ready for spring. Your sleeping pad (or pads, in my case) is another important piece of gear to ready for camping season. This is also a good time to make sure you still have the repair kit for your sleeping pad or a good time to order a new one. As you can see, if you properly store your camping gear at the end of the season, then preparing your camping gear for spring camping trips is a piece of cake!

  • Exploring the Midwest Episode 4

    Today’s guest is Ciara Rounds, Global Media & Public Relations Representative for the South Dakota Department of Tourism. It’s a state that isn’t defined by one thing – though there is something that people tend to focus on when considering a South Dakota vacation… I-90 stretches the width of South Dakota and with five National and State Scenic Byways covering hundreds of miles make it the perfect road tripping state. South Dakota has 56 State Parks and recreation areas and 6 National Parks Service sites, so there is a lot of opportunity for wide open spaces and outdoor adventure.

  • Tonya Denmark 18K MARCH 30, 2021
    Florida Breweries and Why You Should Visit

    This week we’re super excited to talk about Breweries around Florida. This week we’re pleased to bring in a special guest who has visited dozens of breweries across the state of Florida. Welcome, Julie Gazdecki from How We Find Happy. Check out their fun mix of frames and lenses, or create your own custom shades.

  • Tonya Denmark 18K MARCH 30, 2021
    5 Neat Apps To Take On Your Next Camping Expedition

    The National Park Trail Guide is an app to help you experience the best national parks and some great hiking adventures. The app includes trail data and hiking info for many of the top National Parks including Mount Rainier, Rocky Mountain, Zion, Grand Canyon, and more. The app offers many cool features including: * Family Friendly info, get the latest on the best hikes for kids. Using the Campendium app you can choose from thousands of camping destinations whether you’re looking for remote places, RV parks or National Parks.

  • Meagan Wristen 117K MARCH 30, 2021
    How to Choose the Right Car Seat for Your Child

    Choosing the age and, often, the child’s height is important because all children are different in their external parameters. If a baby under six months of age has to endure long trips, look at the seats of group 0 (or combined groups 0/0+, 0/0+/1 of child car seat age) to transport the baby while lying down. Please note that the child in the chair of group 0 (as well as combined groups) must be fixed with wide and soft inner straps, and additional protection must be placed around the baby’s head. If the head is protruding beyond the backrest’s upper edge by more than a third and/or the exit points of the inner harness are below the child’s shoulder.

  • Squeeze Through a Slot Canyon to Kanarraville Falls

    This sweet half-day hike along the Kanarra Creek Canyon Trail through some pretty rad slot canyons to the playful Kanarraville Falls (aka Kanarra Falls) used to be somewhat of a hidden gem. While the word is out, a half day’s stop to hike to Kanarra Falls Access this hike from the small southern Utah town of Kanarraville, which happens to not be too far from Bryce Canyon and Zion National Park. See the slot canyon and waterfalls in pictures, then read *

  • How to Check for an Authentic Patek Philippe Watch Divine Lifestyle

    Patek Philippe makes sure that all the details printed on each of their watches are polished. Another effective way to check if a Patek Philippe watch is authentic is to check the winding. Here are some of the reasons why this brand is so expensive: High-quality materials – Patek Philippe doesn’t use subpar materials. If you want to buy authentic Patek Philippe watches, you can always check TheWatchCompany.com.

  • Exploring the Midwest Episode 6

    Theodore Roosevelt National Park – Visitors to the three units of Theodore Roosevelt National Park find the dramatic scenery and recreational opportunities awe-inspiring. The Enchanted Highway is a collection of the world’s largest scrap metal sculptures constructed at intervals along a 32-mile stretch of two-lane highway in the southwestern part of the U.S. state of North Dakota. North Dakota is the ONLY state in the country to have a National Park named after a president, Theodore Roosevelt National Park. Opening Spring 2021 Heritage Landing in Bismarck will feature a full restaurant and bar and a 4,000-square-foot deck overlooking the Missouri River and the dock for the Lewis and Clark Riverboat in Bismarck.

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