Entertainment Industry


Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.


Ever wonder what it's like to be in the show biz? Well these bloggers are experts or workers in the entertainment industry and they will give you some insight to why the enjoy it, along with some advice and tips on how to enter the industry.

Custom Collab
Oct 03

Be a Consultant for Me
Jul 31

Custom Collab
Jun 04

Audience 1M
  • 389K
  • (Information)

    This Pack includes 13 profiles with YouTube accounts. Audience data for these accounts is private.

  • 3K
  • 650
  • 189
  • Family and Relationships
  • Music and Audio
  • Pop Culture
  • Traveling

Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Entertainment Industry (40)
Member Audience Pack Score

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  • Ian Galloway 23K FEBRUARY 28, 2021
    Launching Official Virtual Magic Show!!

    We have been doing virtual shows for quite a while now but we are officially launching the public shows virtually in hopes that people will have the knowledge of magicIAN’s show options right away. Whether you want your employees to feel special or your birthday person to feel special then this is really something that will lighten up people’s day and be memorable for years to come. Virtual magic shows are beginning to be a normal part of magicIAN’s performance repertoire and more and more people are booking with him for virtual shows. MagicIAN is a magician as well as an illusionist so many different styles of magic are performed in the show unlike other magicians.

  • Dyana Aives 10K NOVEMBER 15, 2020
    This is how I bring a little bit of Brooklyn to Austin

    This is how I bring a little bit of my hometown, Brooklyn, to my new home in Austin. I picked out my design and 3 days later my print arrived! The box contained everything I needed to assemble the canvas print: in corners and inster all the screws and tighten them. They have everything from gorgeous wall murals, wallpaper, canvas and framed prints in every design you can

  • Stephanie Ezekiel

    You are commenting using your Facebook account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your WordPress.com account.

  • Ashley Love 26K OCTOBER 21, 2020
    Which Crystals Are Good For Meditation

    Why Use Crystals in Meditation Using a crystal in meditation acts as a visual aid to clear the mind or hold an intention for your meditation. If, for instance, the focus for the meditation is to heal grief, setting the intention to release grief into the crystal helps to bring about this desired outcome. Once you channel the negative or running thoughts from your mind, you are able to think more clearly and are better able to clear your mind in meditation. Selenite’s naturally calming vibration also helps in releasing negative and running thoughts from the mind.

  • Ashley Love 26K APRIL 07, 2020
    I got my Cannabis Fundamentals Certificate!!!

    I am working from home with my three daughters, my fiancé, my mother who is 74 with an amputated leg and my 70 year old aunt who is still working each day. I find time to work on my goals even with chaos’s going on around me n’t feel like it because I know it will only help me be better at what I am doing in the long run. I highly recommend it if you are in any way interested or are working in the Cannabis industry, especially if you sell CBD or other cannabis products.

  • Ashley Love 26K MARCH 24, 2020
    Start Your Day by Focusing on Gratitude and Positivity (DAY #24 OF STOP YOUR INNER NAYSAYER WITH SELF LOVE SERIES)

    It’s easy to forget all the blessings in our lives when things get difficult or when our inner naysayer is being particularly loud. Let’s consider some easy ways to get started each day with a practice of gratitude and positivity. Sitting with a cup of tea in a quiet place is sufficient, or you can choose a more formal meditation position of sitting on a pillow placed upon the floor. Keep these techniques in mind if you’re looking for a way to begin each morning with purpose and to guide your day in gratitude.

  • Ashley Love 26K MARCH 24, 2020
    Try a Social Media Fast for an Instant Confidence and Happiness Boost (DAY #22 OF STOP YOUR INNER NAYSAYER WITH SELF LOVE SERIES)

    Taking a complete break from Facebook, Twitter, and other sites can really do you some good, especially if you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by it all lately. It’s also easy to get caught up in social media, spending much of your free time there and checking it all the time. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with social media and missing out on more important things, it may be time to take a break. Taking a break from social media can be good for your self-esteem and contribute to a greater sense of self-love.

  • Ashley Love 26K MARCH 23, 2020
    It’s Ok to Ask for Help in Defusing Your Inner Naysayer (DAY #23 OF STOP YOUR INNER NAYSAYER WITH SELF LOVE SERIES)

    When your inner critic is bombarding you with negative messages, it may take an outside perspective to help you see the reality of a situation. There are lots of ways to look outside yourself when it comes to shutting down your inner critic. n’t achieve great things or that you’re not enough, do some research on self-confidence. Join me in the HB SQUAD group where a community of ladies are waiting to support you on your journey toward self-love and manifesting the life you desire!

  • Ashley Love 26K MARCH 21, 2020
    Practice Helps You Get Better at Being Brave (DAY #21 OF STOP YOUR INNER NAYSAYER WITH SELF LOVE SERIES)

    We’ve been talking a lot about your inner naysayer because many people don’t want to talk about it. This his pesky little voice can cause you big problems throughout your life if you don’t get a handle on it. Breaking free of your inner naysayer and stepping outside of your comfort zone gets easier with practice. Tackling one new thing each day is a great way to get used to being brave on a regular basis.

  • Ashley Love 26K MARCH 20, 2020
    What You May Be Missing if You Listen to That Inner Naysayer (DAY #20 OF STOP YOUR INNER NAYSAYER WITH SELF LOVE SERIES)

    You’ve learned a number of ways to recognize and deal with your negative self-talk. Examining the things this inner dialogue is keeping you from can push you forward and help you to overcome the damaging effects of that little voice. You’ll soon notice you have the confidence to try more things because you’ve learned that you can do it and the world doesn’t end. You’ll have more fun, meet more people, try new things, and just feel better about yourself when you learn to overcome that inner naysayer.

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