Georgia Influencers


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Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Georgia Influencers (12)
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  • Jessica Kirk 35K FEBRUARY 06, 2021
    Can Hamsters Eat Strawberries?

    The strawberry plant produces heart-shaped red berries that are coated on their exteriors with small, hard strawberry seeds. The top of each strawberry has a stem and strawberry leaves attached it’s strawberry top. Strawberries are high in water content and fairly low sugar content (compared to water content) low in calories, high in vitamin C and antioxidants. There is no reason why these small strawberry seeds need to be removed before serving strawberry pieces to your pet hamster.

  • Jessica Kirk 35K FEBRUARY 05, 2021
    Do Ferrets Smell?

    But before we can figure out if ferrets smell bad to us humans, we need a little background on what our sense of smell really entails. Let’s talk about the different reasons why your ferret may be smelling, as you may find that the different reasons why a ferret can smell, may smell differently to you and to those around you. Intact (un-neutered) male ferrets will produce more oily skin and the smell will seem a lot stronger than normal during their mating season. Intact (un-neutered) male ferrets and intact unspayed female ferrets can produce more of an offensive odor, espcially during certain times of the year, AKA mating season.

  • Jessica Kirk 35K JANUARY 25, 2021
    What is the Life Expectancy of a Pitbull?

    The average indoor domesticated pitbull will have a life expectancy somewhere between 12-15 years of age, depending on factors that were discussed earlier in this article. Once you know your pitbull’s age (or age range), many pet owners want to know how old their dog is in human years. Remember that some of the factors that can affect a dog’s life expectancy include: diet, genetics, exercise, environment, veterinary care, etc. Medical / Veterinary Care: Everything from spaying and neutering, to routine vaccinations and other preventatives, oral care, and emergency care, will all likely be a part of keeping your dog around for longer than if veterinary care was not available to your pitbull.

  • Jessica Kirk 35K JANUARY 23, 2021
    How Long Do Cats Live?

    Here are the more common factors can affect a cat’s life expectancy: Many sources will say that the average indoor domesticated cat will have a life expectancy somewhere between 13-17 years of age. Once you know your cat’s age (or age range), many pet owners want to know how old their cat is in human years. A more accurate equation often used by veterinarians to predict cat years is 4× + 16, (× being the chronological age of the cat) which works for cats who are two years of age or older.” Another big component around cat lifespans is how cats are defined by their ages. One study, titled Longevity and mortality of cats attending primary-care veterinary practices in England, found that cats under 5 years of age, tended to die due to certain types of causes or traumas, including: For cats dying before 5 years of age (n = 516), the most frequent causes were trauma (n= 244; 47.3%), viral infectious disorders (n = 34; 6.6%) and respiratory disorders (n =23; 4.5%).

  • Jessica Kirk 35K JANUARY 18, 2021
    Can Rabbits Eat Strawberries?

    The top of each strawberry has a stem and strawberry leaves attached it’s strawberry top. There is no reason why these small strawberry seeds need to be removed before serving strawberry pieces to your pet rabbit. Depending on your rabbit’s size, the average strawberry portion should be up to 1 tablespoon of bite-sized strawberry per feeding. Do not feed immature rabbits or rabbits with underlying health conditions strawberries even as a treat until they are of correct age to have it or their condition has improved and strawberry-eating has been approved by your veterinarian.

  • Jessica Kirk 35K JANUARY 17, 2021
    Can Rabbits Eat Blueberries?

    However, the daily nutritional requirements for a rabbit differ quite greatly from that of a human, and that is reflected in the common diet that most healthy and happy pet rabbits eat. Fresh fruits and vegetables should make up about 10-15% of your pet rabbit’s daily diet. Blueberries have a fiber content that will help your rabbit keep their digestive system running smoothly and can also help with keep blood sugar level stable if you have a worrisome diabetic rabbit. This fiber is beneficial for two reasons: Dietary fiber keeps the rabbit’s digestive system running smoothly (it’s the same reason why some people take a fiber supplement like Metamucil!).The physical roughage (hay) helps keep the rabbit

  • Jessica Kirk 35K JANUARY 17, 2021
    Can Rabbits Eat Mangoes?

    However, the daily nutritional requirements for a rabbit differ quite greatly from that of a human, and that is reflected in the common diet that most healthy and happy pet rabbits eat. Mangoes have a fiber content that will help your rabbit keep their digestive system running smoothly and can also help with keep blood sugar level stable if you have a worrisome diabetic rabbit. This fiber is beneficial for two reasons: Dietary fiber keeps the rabbit’s digestive system running smoothly (it’s the same reason why some people take a fiber supplement like Metamucil!).The physical roughage (hay) helps keep the rabbit Yes, rabbits can eat mango skin – however, many rabbits will not eat mango skin.

  • Jessica Kirk 35K JANUARY 16, 2021
    Can Rabbits Eat Mushrooms?

    However, the daily nutritional requirements for a rabbit differ quite greatly from that of a human, and that is reflected in the common diet that most healthy and happy pet rabbits eat. And then there are mushrooms still, that are non-poisonous to humans and rabbits, but can still produce negative health effects to your rabbit if ingested. Dietary fiber keeps the rabbit’s digestive system running smoothly (it’s the same reason why some people take a fiber supplement like Metamucil!). Do not feed immature rabbits or rabbits with underlying health conditions mushrooms either.

  • Jessica Kirk 35K JANUARY 13, 2021
    Can Rabbits Eat Asparagus?

    However, the daily nutritional requirements for a rabbit differ quite greatly from that of a human, and that is reflected in the common diet that most healthy and happy pet rabbits eat. Hay is a forage that is low in calories and high in fiber, easy on the rabbit’s digestive system. This fiber is beneficial for two reasons: Dietary fiber keeps the rabbit’s digestive system running smoothly (it’s the same reason why some people take a fiber supplement like Metamucil!).The physical roughage (hay) helps keep the rabbit Fresh vegetables should be as a supplement to your pet rabbit’s already well-balanced diet.

  • Jessica Kirk 35K JANUARY 13, 2021
    Can Rabbits Eat Cabbage?

    However, the daily nutritional requirements for a rabbit differ quite greatly from that of a human, and that is reflected in the common diet that most healthy and happy pet rabbits eat. Hay is a forage that is low in calories and high in fiber, easy on the rabbit’s digestive system. Dietary fiber keeps the rabbit’s digestive system running smoothly (it’s the same reason why some people take a fiber supplement like Metamucil!). Baby bunnies have a more sensitive digestive system than their adult counterparts do, and therefore you shouldn’t give your rabbit friend any fruits or vegetables until they reach around 12 weeks of age.

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