If the majority of the world’s larger economic enterprises and national economies were made to pay their way in terms of full ecologically-audited costs of their raw materials, labor, production-distribution operations, waste, and pollution, most of them would go bankrupt in a very short time, along with the governments that support and subsidize them.
Similarly, all human economic enterprises, whether they be state, private, and all forms in between, also must create some margin of surplus (which may or may not be called “profit,” and which always comes from biological solar surplus or other Earth resources) in order to survive.
The level, nature and source of business subsidies, such as: cheap access to natural financial resources, public tax money, regulatory breaks, tax breaks; below-cost access to physical resources; incentives; regulatory favors; concessions; inside information; depletion allowances; below market cost access to financial resources
At the same time, eco-auditing will provide a powerful tool for economic enterprises to evaluate their real profitability, as well as determine the best methods for them to self-regulate themselves in ways not determined by government or the arbitrary, ecologically and socially destructive forces of the money and investment-driven marketplace.